First 5 games selection


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Afternoon all,

Apologies if this has been mentioned else where before, just wanting to find out a bit of information about the first five games.

I'm taking the referee course in a couple of weeks time and I'm curious about how the first five games get selected - will I be given a mix of age groups to referee within these games? Or can I give my preference to which I'd rather do? (prefer to do OA)

Many thanks in advance
- JM
A&H International
You should be directed to leagues who are local to you and looking for referees, but which ones to sign up for and what matches to ask for will be up to you.
When you finish the course, someone will let you know they look after the new referees likely the Referee Development Officer (RDO), and they will send out all the different leagues and refereeing opportunities.

Once you do 5 games, email them the five you have done, and they will give you advice/direction.

Good luck.
Contact the leagues you want to referee for. It’s up to you if they are open age, youth, men’s, women’s etc. If any are youth leagues you can email the ref sec and request certain age groups. I’m sure any league ref sec will give you a warm welcome. Good luck