The Ref Stop

Shoved by player


New Member
Level 7 Referee
I had my third open age fixture (mens) last week, and being 16 I’m still trying to ease myself into the level. (Sidenote: one of my games was with two experienced ARs so I got some excellent feedback from that - the first time in almost three years of refereeing that I’ve actually had feedback from another ref!)

About 10 minutes into the second half, a routine foul led to a confrontation between two players, following which I sent off one of the players for VC (he put his hands around the other player’s neck and went head-to-head). I probably could have cautioned the other player for AAA but it slipped my mind it because of what happened next.

After I’d shown the red card, the player shoved me as he walked past to leave the FOP. It wasn’t particularly violent, more petulant, so I wasn’t injured at all. I think his teammates realised he’d crossed a line there and seemed somewhat apologetic.

After the game, I got a call from the club secretary apologising for the player’s behaviour, and he assured me that he wouldn’t play for them again. I also got a call from the league secretary (who I’d met at the local RA), checking I was alright. I’m really appreciative of this support, and I’m glad the club condemned the behaviour.

However, I have heard nothing from the FA. I submitted an extraordinary report on WGS, but I don’t even know if anyone’s seen it! Should I be concerned? Or is this normal?

Oddly enough, I haven’t felt discouraged at all by this incident, so I’ll keep on going. There’s definitely still a lot to learn!
The Ref Stop
I had my third open age fixture (mens) last week, and being 16 I’m still trying to ease myself into the level. (Sidenote: one of my games was with two experienced ARs so I got some excellent feedback from that - the first time in almost three years of refereeing that I’ve actually had feedback from another ref!)

About 10 minutes into the second half, a routine foul led to a confrontation between two players, following which I sent off one of the players for VC (he put his hands around the other player’s neck and went head-to-head). I probably could have cautioned the other player for AAA but it slipped my mind it because of what happened next.

After I’d shown the red card, the player shoved me as he walked past to leave the FOP. It wasn’t particularly violent, more petulant, so I wasn’t injured at all. I think his teammates realised he’d crossed a line there and seemed somewhat apologetic.

After the game, I got a call from the club secretary apologising for the player’s behaviour, and he assured me that he wouldn’t play for them again. I also got a call from the league secretary (who I’d met at the local RA), checking I was alright. I’m really appreciative of this support, and I’m glad the club condemned the behaviour.

However, I have heard nothing from the FA. I submitted an extraordinary report on WGS, but I don’t even know if anyone’s seen it! Should I be concerned? Or is this normal?

Oddly enough, I haven’t felt discouraged at all by this incident, so I’ll keep on going. There’s definitely still a lot to learn!
It can take a while for ERs to be picked up by the FA. If you haven’t heard anything by start of next week I’d flag it to the safeguarding officer and RDO at your local county FA
It might also be worth double-checking that wholegame has logged the ER - I've had issues trying to submit reports with multiple different "types" of report when filling them in on Saturday evenings.
Doesn't matter how forceful the push was, that is still technically assault on a match official and your RDO should be all over it. I'd get in contact with him to make sure it has been picked up and processed.
However, I have heard nothing from the FA. I submitted an extraordinary report on WGS, but I don’t even know if anyone’s seen it! Should I be concerned? Or is this normal?
Sorry to hear about the poor behaviour standards there, glad you are ok. With regards to the ER, I'm not particularly surprised (unfortunately). I was abused and threatened in mid-October and didn't hear anything from anyone until early-to-mid-December. As this was physical though, I am surprised it's taken as long as it has already. I would 100% contact your RDO and Safeguarding lead, you are 16, that could be quite easily considered a child protection issue. If you feel more comfortable doing so, wait a few days and then do it.
Yeah you should be hearing something about it… I submitted an extraordinary at the weekend just because someone called me a ‘****er’ after I sent them off and surprisingly received an email checking I was ok (obviously I was!), so you are far more deserving than me.

Sounds like you’re fine - which is great - but it’s good to talk to someone about it.

Out of interest did you consider abandoning?
Within the last few months I was slapped on the arm and said player then tried to wrestle my card out my hand. I am U18 for what it's worth.

I won't excessively comment, as the case is ongoing, however to my knowledge, it's not being deemed an assault.

To add, sorry to steal the OP's thunder. I do hope you're well, and do get in contact with your RDO, the support will hopefully be great and they can help answer these questions!
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Out of interest did you consider abandoning?
Honestly, not really. It happened as he was leaving the FOP so I had no further problems from him (apart from that he tried to stay on the touchline to watch). His teammates were, to their credit, fairly apologetic and it really took the temperature out of the game. Paradoxically, my life was actually a bit easier after the incident, perhaps because they realised a line had been crossed and they wanted to keep their hands clean? Not sure.

Thanks everyone for the replies, it happened over a week ago so I’ll get onto my RDO about it.
It’s great that you were able to continue and talk about this incident.

It is completely unacceptable.

Please do make sure you have someone you trust to go over this incident. Even though you may feel OK today, you may not in future, and it’s important you have support and advice.
These things should be taken seriously. I gave a yellow card to a player and she put her hands on my chest and pushed me away. Nothing violent or forceful, just a push. I red carded her and she left. Never occurred to me to abandon. When I put my report in the league gave her a 12 month ban.