Australian A-League - Macarthur v Sydney


Well-Known Member
Interesting development in this before I even post - everything is going to come from one link:

Defender’s red card rescinded as teammate’s appeal declined & Victory full-back challenges ban

Have been discussing this on another forum with someone who I believe is also a member, and we all came to the same conclusion that the incident in question (the first clip in the link) should not have been a red card, and should have been just given a foul (yellow card at best, depending on other circumstances we don't know about - eg, repeated offending, etc) as the referee has given initially.

The red card was given after a VAR review, but has also been rescinded by the A-League's Match Review Panel days later.

This may delve into further discussion about the use of VAR as a whole (and happy for the thread to be moved in that instance), but just using this incident as a starting point on "Do we think that VAR has put their fingers in it?" (eg, not sticking to 'clear and obvious errors' and re-refereeing the game).
Interesting to note is that Australia was one of the VAR guinea-pigs, so you'd expect issues to be ironed out a lot better.
I'm not sure if there's instances of red-cards being rescinded after the fact due to VAR incorrectly intervening overseas/in England?
A&H International
The overarching trend in England is of too much caution when it comes to the VAR getting involved. So my guess is that it's much more likely that a red card given on field would be incorrectly not overturned by VAR. Alexis MacAllister for example was sent off against Bournemouth towards the start of the season, decision not considered C&O wrong by the VAR but then that suspension was overturned post-match and should have been done in-game by the VAR.

I think those are just two sides of the same coin - confusion over what C&O is and when the VAR is and isn't expected to get involved.
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Just not great officiating all round. No need for VAR to get involved whatsoever there, and really poor from the referee to change their mind.

Said it plenty of times, bring in a challenge based system. X amount of challenges per club, in which only specific things can be challenged (goals, pen, red cards).