Junior/Youth Proactiveness asked to stop

ref craig

RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
As part of my game I use proactive talking in the game to try to control players but, today I got asked to stop saying careful but at half time. I went to player and said what would you rather have me do blow for freekick and start warning and finally ending up cautioning and in the end he saw my point
A&H International
I guess it depends on how often you do it, when and how

I once saw a referee giving what was practically a running commentary during a summer tournament game

I was quite new to refereeing and thought it an interesting approach but a couple of more experienced refs thought rather differently :confused:
I've only started using it this season so far in only one game it did not work for me and I started too over manage the players when cards needed but luckily so far since that game Thanks to proactive talking I've not had another card
It can keep the players aware of your presence, especially if it is in their minds to do something daft. It serves a second purpose in that it helps me concentrate fully as it get me into the "flow" (or zone of you prefer). That said I am mindful of not distracting anyone during play also, so when and how much talking to use is a fine line. :)

If I was asked to shut up, I would politely decline. End of story.
About all they'll get from me is a "hands down fellas" at a free kick or a "nothing silly" at a corner. Other than that if they want to do something stupid they can have a lemon.
I got selected to do everton academy games every so often and when i was reffing there last time, they have ex level 1-2 referees there to coach us newbie L7s and i did the first quarter of my game and at the break they said i needed to be more vocal and help the players through the game, not a commentry but things like 'good tackle, keep going' 'the balls still in, keep going, youve got the adv play on!' 'Blue bal' etc
That is exactly what I mean by commentary. Shows you're paying attention.
Yeah, but I dont mean like a Martin Tyler commentary of 'good pass', 'hes through' etc haha
I tend to be very vocal during a game ,with many of the above comments always in use..... I also use, great strike player , that's a cracking ball ect , also the controversial .....nothing silly player when a tackled player thinks hes been fouled ..then goes on the chase ....you can almost see it coming !!!

I have tried the silent whistle only approach , but it doesn't really work for me ....and I feel I come across very anal and unapproachable when I do ??

But each to their own I suppose no way is right or wrong , its all down to an individuals personality
I chat to the players a bit, but not loads. I dont want to be a nuisance and distracting them. But I'll make sure I'm announcing my decisions so those close by know what is going on. I'll also have passing words with players like 'good shot' or 'great goal' etc. Just so they know I'm there enjoying the game as well, and not just someone trying to ruin their fun!
Yea dave all my little comments are to the players concerned not loud to watching public
Yea dave all my little comments are to the players concerned not loud to watching public

The other week I had a girls game. Freekick about 30 yards out and she asked if it was direct or not. I said direct, but you arent going to shoot from there are you? She said yes, then proceeded to ask me if she should go to the keepers left or right! I said I'm not much of a player so would be over the moon if I could just get it on target from this distance!
If your loud players know your warning while in game and it prevents fouls and evinatably a caution
I also find announcing loudly fouls for little pushes in the back, or leaning into players lets everyone know your spotting them and giving freekicks for them. So can, sometimes, help cut them down!
If you talk too much, you might as well not talk at all. Pick and choose when to use your words just as you pick and choose when to use your whistle and your cards. The players aren't there to get your input on every single play.
I too like Beezer and Monkey tend to call it as I see it and see no problem with a "steady" when jockeying for the ball or "good effort fella" when hit a good shot. What I also do now is tell the captains this when I have them together for the toss something like, "Listen guys im the kind of referee who is going to talk to your players all game, I appreciate good football and will tell you so during the match. Ill talk to you and you can talk to me etc etc etc".
As part of my game I use proactive talking in the game to try to control players but, today I got asked to stop saying careful but at half time. I went to player and said what would you rather have me do blow for freekick and start warning and finally ending up cautioning and in the end he saw my point
Three things about this post.

Firstly, it is good to be proactive and referees at higher levels are actively encouraged to communicate with players as a preventative measure against offences.

Secondly, the issue may not have been your comments but repeating the same comments over and over again does become monotonous and can be distracting for the players, hence the complaint. I have mentioned the same to referees I have assessed. You need to develop a range of comments and there have been some good suggestions throughout this thread. Personally I prefer to praise and encourage positive behaviour. Rather than tell players to keep hands down in an aerial challenge, I will praise them for having their eyes on the ball and only the ball during the challenge.

Thirdly and this is a criticism. Why oh why are you getting involved with players at half time? As a late friend often used to say, place your bag and your drinks as far from the players as possible, wander over there and stay out of the way. Don't get involved, don't provoke a confrontation and don't use your cards when you have pushed a player too far.