Open Age First Open Age game


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Level 7 Referee

I've been given my first open age game for the first weekend of December. I don't know whether to do it yet or wuss out.

I've been on the line for loads of adults games but I'm not sure about whether to be on my own yet... Advice please??
A&H International
That which does not kill us makes us stronger - Nietzsche

He is also attributed with saying 'first weekend in December, bound to get called off'

I'd say do it....but only you can decide
That which does not kill us makes us stronger - Nietzsche

He is also attributed with saying 'first weekend in December, bound to get called off'

I'd say do it....but only you can decide
One of my fears is that within the first 20 minutes it goes to sh*t and I mess it up...
Do you have anyone in the know that could come along?

Ask your RDO for a mento for the game - there is NO embarassment with this, and if anything some are actively looking to mentor / advise as they either no longer ref, or might be out throuhg injury so it;s a way of keeping in the loop.

I assume that being your first, the league are aware of this, and are accepting of such Refs, and as so, the teams are equally at a level that should accept this.

I know that I seaze my bulls by the horns and think "F*ck it - nothing ventured noithing gained".

Whats the worst that happens? make mistakes (which we all do) learn from them(which some of us do) and if it really really is that bad leave the league and find another, or county LOL!

You say youve done loads of lines, which you will have gained experience from, so if for example there was a good guy that you got on with and he had a good game - "what would he do? how would he do it / deal with this?"
One of my fears is that within the first 20 minutes it goes to sh*t and I mess it up...
My games have been going Sh..t after 20 mins for 7 years !!!!

Dont worry about that > no matter how well you do the players of one team will tell you otherwise , you will develop a referees second skin :D
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Do you have anyone in the know that could come along?

Ask your RDO for a mento for the game - there is NO embarassment with this, and if anything some are actively looking to mentor / advise as they either no longer ref, or might be out throuhg injury so it;s a way of keeping in the loop.

I assume that being your first, the league are aware of this, and are accepting of such Refs, and as so, the teams are equally at a level that should accept this.

I know that I seaze my bulls by the horns and think "F*ck it - nothing ventured noithing gained".

Whats the worst that happens? make mistakes (which we all do) learn from them(which some of us do) and if it really really is that bad leave the league and find another, or county LOL!

You say youve done loads of lines, which you will have gained experience from, so if for example there was a good guy that you got on with and he had a good game - "what would he do? how would he do it / deal with this?"

I've phoned the referee secretary and he said you will get me down to just watch a Div 2 game this weekend, which is fine and will boost my confidence abit more. I also asked for a referee who has just retired to come and watch me as I know he was a very good referee...

Apparently the reason he has put me on the game is because of words from other referees and a text from the retired ref... Eased me up abit

My games have been going Sh..t after 20 mins for 7 years !!!!

Dont worry about that > no matter how well you do the players of one team will tell you otherwise , you will develop a referees second skin :D

I'll try not too, cheers:)
Worst come to the worst and just blow up for half time after twenty minutes and swear blind it's been 45!

I'll give the following tips, coming from someone who had a nightmare of a first OA when I started out and would have loved to have been able to go back and do things differently.

Be confident.
Believe in yourself and all of your decisions.
Don't let the occasion get to you, it might be your first game, but it's just another game for these teams. So don't overthink it.
You've been given the game because the refs secretary thinks your up to the task.

Enjoy it. Refereeing isn't fun 100% of the time. But while it's going well, enjoy it, don't be thinking the match will turn sour in th next few seconds. It'll make you tense and effect your performance.
Having just started reffing, and only having done a couple of OA games, I can't comment too much, but what @DaveMac says rings true to my advice (in life in general really), be confident and believe in yourself right from the start. Pretend you've done 100 OA games already and don't think negatively about the experience. If you go in with hesitation and doubts about your ability or performance you are probably more likely to over think and make a mistake. Enjoy it, try your best and remember you almost certainly know the LOTG better than anyone else on the field.

Good luck!
Worst come to the worst and just blow up for half time after twenty minutes and swear blind it's been 45!

I'll give the following tips, coming from someone who had a nightmare of a first OA when I started out and would have loved to have been able to go back and do things differently.

Be confident.
Believe in yourself and all of your decisions.
Don't let the occasion get to you, it might be your first game, but it's just another game for these teams. So don't overthink it.
You've been given the game because the refs secretary thinks your up to the task.

Enjoy it. Refereeing isn't fun 100% of the time. But while it's going well, enjoy it, don't be thinking the match will turn sour in th next few seconds. It'll make you tense and effect your performance.

I agree 100% Dave.

Think about it in a different way, if you think it will turn sour it probably will - sub consciously you will have that influence on the game and it is more likely to turn that way.

Equally think positive thoughts and enjoy it and that will rub off.

First Open Age Game done; It went well if I'm honest, the first half it slowly started to get to me, so when 45 minutes was up I blew and went and spoke to my mentor. He gave me some good feedback points from the first half and I decided to act on it in the second half.

This was a major improvement and I felt alot more confident in the second half. Roll on next weekend
Thats what we like to hear, referees looking forward to their next game

Take the confidence from this one into your next.