Assesment Question - Advantgae/Timing

Cheshire Ref

RefChat Addict
Had my third 5/4 assessment on Saturday and was very pleased with it. During the post match de-brief and in the report itself the assessor picked me up on my advantage's (which I have always thought were a strong part of my game so this disappointed me).

Basically on three separate occasions a challenge went in the ball broke free to the opposition and I blew for the free kick and clearly stated no advantage from the foul so blue free kick or words to that effect. I was picked up because I hadn't signalled an advantage but this was because the timing from challenge to the ball breaking was literally seconds and didn't give me the chance to signal and call advantage.

Personally I felt that by doing it this way I was letting everyone know that yes it's a foul and a free kick but I was prepared to see if an advantage materialised.

So my question really is should I just not call or signal advantage at all and just blow for the foul unless the play has developed into a position for me to call a clear and credible advantage. I am guessing that's what the assessor wanted but would be interested to hear other thoughts.
A&H International
The thinking at L4 and below is too signal advantage quickly, let play develop for a few seconds and if the advantage does not accrue bring play back.

This has a number of advantages:
1. Players are aware that you have seen the offence, so stopping afters;
2. Allowing the offended team to proceed with the game without cost of the loss of the advantage;
3. More proactive game management.
Thanks @lincs22 you were one of the ref's I hope would reply as your feedback is often excellent. So I should allow the advantage as I did but I came unstuck because there was no signal or shout. I was thinking that next time maybe signal almost instantly even if I have no time to shout "play on advantage". My only problem was the time between the challenge and my need to whistle.
What changed in the picture? Did you see a genuine opportunity for an advantage that disappeared or you were just waiting to see if one occurred.
I was waiting to see what occurred and it happened so quickly that I had little or no chance to signal. Thinking more I would say either bang your signal out almost instantly or don't mention the advantage after blowing for the free kick and the more I think about it the more I think the latter would be right. I personally thought that there would be no harm in informing the teams of at least your attempt to play advantage. Signal or not.
The thinking at L4 and below is too signal advantage quickly, let play develop for a few seconds and if the advantage does not accrue bring play back.

This has a number of advantages:
1. Players are aware that you have seen the offence, so stopping afters;
2. Allowing the offended team to proceed with the game without cost of the loss of the advantage;
3. More proactive game management.
This was what they were teaching at all levels here in Canada until about a week ago.

Now the direction (for all levels) is wait and delay the call for 2-3s and only signal if an advantage accrues. We were also directed to say "Advantage, Play On" or "Play On, Advantage" while signalling. That's also changed, and they only want us to say "Advantage" now.
@Cheshire Ref I think that's the key you can't always have picture of the whole situation at the point of the foul. In those situations you can't just throw up an advantage signal and then assess if there is an advantage, you need to give yourself a second to make the assessment.
The FAs expectations don't help the game as a spectacle.
Thanks @AlexF that is in effect exactly what I did but during the 2-3 seconds wait I had to blow the whistle. That is when I said "No advantage from the foul, Blue free kick", but was told that it was not an advantage because it had not been signalled. Cant complain as I was really pleased with the assessment but obviously the development points are just that, to aid development.
@Cheshire Ref I think that's the key you can't always have picture of the whole situation at the point of the foul. In those situations you can't just throw up an advantage signal and then assess if there is an advantage, you need to give yourself a second to make the assessment.
The FAs expectations don't help the game as a spectacle.

I think all in all the answer to my question is foul, no mention of advantage at all as there cant possibly be enough time for one to accrue.