Wearing a bib

I've worn a bib in Futsal, but at the level of most of those games, take a more authoritative approach as you would in outdoor tends to get you into more trouble than anything else. Working with the players tends to count for more. That's what happens when players know there are no consequences for their actions....kicked out of the comp for mass referee abuse? so what? Just go play at the next centre 2min down the road.
I certainly wouldn't do it for outdoor though.
Interestingly this conversation came up on a local forum mostly populated by players and spectators....not surprisingly, a number of people on there thought it was arrogant of a referee to be too proud to where a bib (with all the usual 'this is what's wrong with referees' rhetoric).
A&H International
Well being a 15 year old kid would you not be a bit wary?
I'm 17 and 100% agree mate. I try and be as flexible as possible. If both managers like you and have respect for you before the game starts it's a lot easier.

At the end of the day it's Sunday league football. It's about everyone enjoying themselves