Not had assessors report from assessment last Saturday


Politically Incorrect
And it's now Thursday :confused:

Night. :eek:

The assessor said as he left the changing room after the game 'I'm away on business for a couple of days early next week, so will take a few days to get the report to you', so I expected a delay, but not this long.

I know he has the correct email address for me as we exchanged a few emails before the game, but from an assessor's point of view: - if you were the assessor in this instance how would you take a polite chaser email?

Or shall I just sit tight?
A&H International
I'd be very pissed off if you contacted me. Your point of contact is the person who appointed the assessor. The assessor has given you an explanation for what may cause a delay. If that delay is longer than expected you just ride it out. I presume this is a promotion assessment and not a Supply?

Also he may have been away but he may also have been refereeing, assessing someone else or involved in game administration which has contributed to the delay. As an example, I only have 1 free evening this week and 1 free evening next week because of refereeing, assessing and administration. If a referee I assessed contacted me, I would be more than a little annoyed (as I said above)
I'd be very pissed off if you contacted me. Your point of contact is the person who appointed the assessor. The assessor has given you an explanation for what may cause a delay. If that delay is longer than expected you just ride it out. I presume this is a promotion assessment and not a Supply?

Also he may have been away but he may also have been refereeing, assessing someone else or involved in game administration which has contributed to the delay. As an example, I only have 1 free evening this week and 1 free evening next week because of refereeing, assessing and administration. If a referee I assessed contacted me, I would be more than a little annoyed (as I said above)

Fair play, and thanks for the insight Brian - that was exactly the reason I asked the question. :)
Agree with Brian, while we give our time for assessing work must come first.

Doing my job, I sometimes don't expect to be busy so have time to prepare the assessment but then clients demand their work, so allocated time disappears. Working on computers all day the last thing you want to do after a sh1tty day at work is start the home computer up.

The assessment should be an extended version of the matters discussed in the debrief.

Don't worry, we get round to them and we write good notes to work from.
My 4 last year were all 7 - 10 days, with one at nearly a month.

As much as we need the assessment to know how to improve, it is the content of the asessment that goes to the annual total that matters.

Sit tight, it is what it is. I'd have hoped you could probably write what was in it from knowing your own game and the post match de-brief.
ring him up late at night, give him a massive what for! :D

in all seriousness, I wouldn't start to panic after 4 days? I only received mine from Saturday on Thursday morning

no drama
My last assessment was on a Sunday, and I got it a little over a week later.

Unless you're getting assessed again this weekend and need to know what he's put down as development points I'd not worry about it too much.
Our RDO has all the assessments sent to him, and then he sends them out to candidates.

I generally write a first draft on the evening of the day I've assessed, then review it the following day before sending it onwards.
Most assessments are pinged out within 7 days of the match taking place. My county FA stipulate that the assessor begins to forfeit part of their fee if it's not received within 7 days. ;)
At the 5 day point I wouldn't dream of chasing one up (via my RDO). Give it 10 days and then politely enquire. :)
Had the assessment back this afternoon and it was worth the wait - not in terms of the result but the detail contained within - lots of very detailed comments and development points, well structured and clear. :)
Had the assessment back this afternoon and it was worth the wait - not in terms of the result but the detail contained within - lots of very detailed comments and development points, well structured and clear. :)
Must be wrong, assessors only do gotchas and write mistruths about referees... or so you'd think
Must be wrong, assessors only do gotchas and write mistruths about referees... or so you'd think

To be fair that is all I tend to hear from other referees.

My job involves a deep level of de-construction and re-construction of customer comments, positive, negative and indifferent.

It takes some getting used to and is difficult at first, but eventually you learn to not take criticism personally and that negatives are 100 times more useful than positives.

Not that it was negative.

Like I said it was the detail that made it what it is, not the tick, tick, boom nature of a lot of 7-6 assessments.
To be fair that is all I tend to hear from other referees.

My job involves a deep level of de-construction and re-construction of customer comments, positive, negative and indifferent.

It takes some getting used to and is difficult at first, but eventually you learn to not take criticism personally and that negatives are 100 times more useful than positives.

Not that it was negative.

Like I said it was the detail that made it what it is, not the tick, tick, boom nature of a lot of 7-6 assessments.
Maybe because some referees aren't interested in plugging the gaps in their performance or believe they don't have room to grow or they feel the assessors don't have the credentials to identify gaps in their game.

The perfect referee has not yet been born, trained or developed. That's why me and Lincs22 still get to watch a lot of football.

I fully acknowledge there are things I could do better in my game, but can't put them right. Doesn't mean I can't accept them from people who see me in the flesh and the feedback that highlights them.