2 types of referee


The avuncular one
i am thinking that there are (at least)2 types of referee when it comes to dealing with mouthy players. Or rather, the aftermath of their mouthyness.

Referee type 1 - responds to verbal pressure by giving "soft" decisions to that team.

Referee type 2 - responds to verbal pressure by giving nothing but cast iron decisions to that team.

Turns out I am a type 2.

A little while ago, player giving it the mouth. Shortly later in the game he gets a strong challenge from an opponent which could be a foul. Not a chance he is getting that decision.

I hear him moaning to an opponent as I am turning to follow play, the opponent laughs "you were just on his case and then you ask for a soft free kick? You're an idiot"

Didn't really think about any of this until after the game. On reflection, it turns out this is my reaction to non dissent moaning/mouthing off.

A&H International
I am the same! they get my back up and then I am like 'f' you! work for those free kicks now!
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Didn't bother reading the last paragraph padders? :troll:

Pre or post edit? :rolleyes:

Regardless, verbal pressure is simple another description of dissent, but one that is used to avoid having to deal with it correctly......or maybe at a huge stretch you could wrap it up under "shows a lack of respect for the game"....either way...its a lemon and £10 to your respective CFA once you get bored with it......
No edit padders. You just didn't read it properly! :egg::rolleyes: Happens with age mate! :p

Let's look at type 3;

Type 3 - the referee who responds to anything with a Charles Bronson like approach, wielding the cards he holds in his pocket like a despotic crazy person with a power mad grin. :cool:
What about Type 5: who goes on officiating the game exactly as fairly and impartially as he did before...
What about Type 5: who goes on officiating the game exactly as fairly and impartially as he did before...

What ? ? ?:wtf:

On this forum? ? ?:confused:

Who is this honest, trustworthy, upstanding member of the refereeing community who does it properly. They need to be reported..:alien::alien: as they are trying to give referees a good name.