The Ref Stop

1st caution


Well what a game this morning... 1st time doing and U14s which saw mid table vs Top of Premier (Away team) who have won all the previous 9 games. Everything seemed ok laughing and joking pre match with both teams. Pre match talks all done and game starts.

A good few mins in and gave my first FK no issues although was it too long? Then the next for a shirt pull again no issues. Away team scored through some great football. Followed by another goal. So felt pretty comfortable and confident. Then a few things seem to happen that left me feeling downbeat at the game today.

Home team lino gave an offside, which I went along with, I wasn't sure who he was giving off but he was better placed than me so gave it. Well then starts the abuse from the away manager l. How on earth can you give that he was back there!

Apparently I gave a GK when the home team played it out, Tbh I took my off it split second and didn't see. So went with GK. lino then shouting out.

Then a couple of challenges start to fly in, which I pull up on the ones I believe we're without doubt. The home Keeper tackled for the ball in the box, with his feet and apparently fouled their striker. He didn't go down he played on so did I. a few seconds later I give a free kick against the away team to a foul on the defender. Well manager again balling out.

By this point my head was starting to go a little. I think I gave a foul to the Home team, pointed the away teams way and ended up going with it, why? God knows.

Away team arguing with all decisions. Had a word with captain and told him to have a word with his players. I know their frustrated but I'm giving what I believe I see.

Next incident with the Away manager comes when two players came together Away striker barges into the back of the Home player and I believe that Home player caught him on the Ankle. to which he went off in tears. A Barrage of abuse from the Manager I best Get this game under control or someone will be hurt!

Next break in play a GK I walked over to him for a chat. Oh what you got to say now? I told him he need to calm down and let me officiate what I see. i get "Your a joke, no control of game" " to get on with it" Told him I will give the benefit of the doubt and any more I will send him away! "Go on then" was the response.

So game carries on Away team player flys into a sliding challenge and didn't make contact to I believe he was intent on something, so told him I had my eye on him as it was the 2nd time.

Anyways finally get to the last 3 mins and I give a decisions the Home team. Away player " your having a laugh Ref, how can you give that and not when he's off crying earlier?" calls him over for a chat. We have 3 mins don't do anything silly and talk yourself into the book! he keeps Chelping and I get my book out. Name? Joe... (captain says no its not) So I ask him again, what's your name? then I get a completely different name. "I'm giving you a caution for disent, I gave you ample opportunity to listen and walk away, but you didn't listen" Again he starts moaning. Their lino shouts over, keep it quiet, it won't change anything! Captains telling him to Shut up or it will be a Red!

Game finished 6-0 to away team and Lino gives me my flag and greets me with, "that was a Joke Ref!"

So a few questions for you all, has anyone had worse?

Did I do right listening to the lino for the offside who says he was offside, but the manager saying inactive.

What do you do if two player commit an offence, but one comes off worse?

Should the manager have walked and more players cautioned?

Is there any videos to swot up on?

I spoke to u14 Home managerial text after game and ask if they're like that. Yep! They play rough, and don't like it back and always gobby!

I have a game tomorrow for the u13s but I've been running on a heavily strapped injured ankle for a few weeks with reffereeing and coaching and not sure if really want to do that game tomorrow.

Feed back welcome please :)
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The Ref Stop
Yes, I've had worse...much worse.

Depends where the CAR was when he signalled for the offside, which player he felt was offside, where you were positioned.......if the CAR was in line with the 2nd last defender.....and had a better position than you to judge....then maybe you can go with them....something that you will develop a sixth sense for as you gain more experience

Punish the more serious offence

I would've walked the manager......impossible to say if more players needed cautions.....but judged on how you've described the general temperature of the match...probably.

How much is the injured ankle affecting your mobility, and therefore positioning? If it means you are struggling to get into credible positions then you need rest until the ankle is better.......nothing worse than watching a referee carrying an injury that stops them performing properly.....just leads to poor decisions, frustrated players/managers and the inevitiable loss of match control.
Thanks Padfoot,

How do you pick yourself up after a worse game than that?

The ankle injury isn't impairing my ability to get around the field, granted these lads were fit today and that proved challenging at times, especially when on a break and it comes to watching the game, keeping up with play and watching the incidents. I know I need to work on my fitness, I think I also need to be more decisive. Which isn't easy when its 100 MPH and managers are lookin for quick decisions to be given.

Would the Caution given be a C2?

I would be interested to see how each manager scored me after that game.
Thanks Padfoot,

How do you pick yourself up after a worse game than that?

The ankle injury isn't impairing my ability to get around the field, granted these lads were fit today and that proved challenging at times, especially when on a break and it comes to watching the game, keeping up with play and watching the incidents. I know I need to work on my fitness, I think I also need to be more decisive. Which isn't easy when its 100 MPH and managers are lookin for quick decisions to be given.

Would the Caution given be a C2?

I would be interested to see how each manager scored me after that game.
It worries me that you couldn't keep up with play and it was an U14 game. Either rest and get better or be prepared for more hassle over your positioning relative to play.

All of what @Padfoot said, especially about the manager. Yes dissent is C2.
There's no magic answer to how you pick yourself have to learn to compartmentalise each game, something that gets easier the more you do.....if you know you made some poor decisions that might have led to some frustration from players/managers, pick 2 things that you can improve on and work on them for the next game.....BUT....just because you made a mistake doesn't mean that players or managers get a free pass to give you grief.....
If a manager starts to get too mouthy.....ASK, TELL, REMOVE.....ask them to calm down and behave, if they carry on, tell them to calm down or they are leaving, if they still carry on, get shot of them. If they won't go...tell them they have a few minutes to leave or the game gets abandoned.......most start to slink away at this point.

Again, learning to read the game, so that you not caught miles behind play on a sudden break is something that comes with experience.....
Thanks Brian. I would say that kept up with play well and on top. Could it be better? Possibly, but I wasn't 40 yards away! What I meant was the breaks with a long ball up front :-) Im just feeling it this afternoon :-)
U14s is a difficult age - they're old enough that they should be used to seeing cards, but young enough that you still need to be a little lenient with regards to inexperience and clumsiness.

It sounds like you dealt with the dissenting player well and also did well to pick up on his attempts to give a fake name. I'd caution against putting his full name online however. it's general practice on here to refer to teams by either home/away or their shirt colours, and to refer to players by their numbers only - I'd strongly consider editing that post to something like "when he gave his name as Joe, the captain said that wasn't true and he then gave me a completely different name", to preserve player anonymity and cover your own back in the process.

Do you think you could/should have maybe considered booking someone else for dissent a little earlier? Did you notice the other players on the pitch respond by improving their behaviour once you had cautioned one player for stepping over the line?

As Padfoot said, the mantra with sideline dissent is "Ask, Tell, Remove" and it does sound like you did that well - going over there to have a discussion and getting firmer as he remained combative. I think you could certainly have justified sending him away for his final comment, but as you make no further mention of him, it sounds like it pretty much worked? Maybe you could have started the process a little earlier (and as with above, it may have made your life easier in the long run if you had confronted him at the previous opportunity?), but it's a tricky one to judge as you don't want to overreact and interrupt the game unnecessarily.

My approach to using CAR's is that onside/offisde position is initially their call (up until I decide they aren't taking good positions or can't be trusted), while active/inactive is mine. If you suspect he's raised his flag for a non-interfering player, it may be worth letting play run on and then going over to him if the goal is scored/ball goes out of play and discussing it. If he names a player who didn't interfere, you simply need to tell him "I'm going to make the call that even if he was in an offside position, [number 9] wasn't interfering with play and so I will let the goal stand". If he's a good assistant who knows the law, he'll understand - and if not, you know you need to keep an eye on his future decisions.

Can I ask how many games you have done before? And having now used your cards for the first time, are you reconsidering previous matches where they may have been warranted?
Thanks Graeme,

I've done about 8 where I you would use cards at that age. Although only 3 league games. The rest have been Mini Soccer.

So I'm learning alot all the time. I think I could have cautioned earlier on reflection and probably too lenient for too long. Others won't get the same courtesy going forward now I found my cards :-)

On the Whole Game System, do you normally just put game, name and code? or back up on misconduct report too?
Thanks Graeme,

I've done about 8 where I you would use cards at that age. Although only 3 league games. The rest have been Mini Soccer.

So I'm learning alot all the time. I think I could have cautioned earlier on reflection and probably too lenient for too long. Others won't get the same courtesy going forward now I found my cards :)

On the Whole Game System, do you normally just put game, name and code? or back up on misconduct report too?
That's exactly what I expected you to say, because I did exactly the same when I started out and feel exactly the same about previous incidents every time I have a card-heavy match!

With WGS, you only need to put it through the caution form - "misconduct" is for incidents involving managers/team officials or anything that happens in a situation where you weren't able to show cards.
Super. I was expecting to have to write it up, word for word, but it won't allow me to, I assume this is right?
Super. I was expecting to have to write it up, word for word, but it won't allow me to, I assume this is right?
Yup, cautions get a name, a team, a code or two and that's about it.

This is also true for a 2xyellow sending off, for when that happens
Super. I was expecting to have to write it up, word for word, but it won't allow me to, I assume this is right?
That's how we used to do it about 8/9 years ago. Every single caution needed a report (in duplicate if on paper).

You can imagine much of the weekend was spent writing reports. It did make me laugh when players said, "That's you spending all weekend writing reports" when the new system came in on excel (before WGS). I loved multicaution forms, saved me loads of time :)
Don't worry Danny, we have all had them!

As Graeme said, u13/14s can be a difficult age to deal with. Matches tend to be more competitive and faster than mini-soccer/9v9, most players are still relatively quiet, polite and often frightened of saying anything out of place. Where as others are the stereotypical example of Harry Enfield's Kevin, attitude problems. I had a nightmare u13s game last season which I tried to "manage" without having to resort to cards, but it backfired on me with some players took advantage of it. :rage: Since then I have lowered my tolerance levels.... A quick "I don't tell you how to kick the ball, don't tell me how to referee often works wonders" :D

The stepped approach can work wonders depending on the age group and how receptive the players are (chat with player/call in captain for final warning etc), other times trying to talk to the captains will feel like you are p'n in the wind. However if after calling in the captains, the players and coaches don't get the hint, they can have no complaints when the cards come out. If you think a challenge is serious enough to warrant a card, doesn't matter whether it's first or last minute don't be frightened of doing it. There's no set time in which to give the first free kick. I have had games where there hasn't been anything worthy of a free kick in the first 10/15 minutes, where as other games you find yourself giving them within 30 seconds of kick off! I have found showing cards at 13/14s might prompt a few gasps from the sidelines, usually because it's the first time one of their players has been carded. I have found that most of the managers at this age group where I have had to card one of their players have been quite apologetic that their player's behaviour crossed the line.

Had my fair share of ankle issues of the past 7 years as a result of ligament damage "attempting" to play football after work. 3G pitch, went in for a tackle, standing left leg stuck on the surface whilst all 17 stone of me went over at different angles! There's good days/bad days regardless of whether I have refereed or not. I heavily strap it for games, helps minimise after effects, I certainly know about it if I do forget to strap prior to a game. Only you will know if your ankle is up to it or not. If your having to wear strapping constantly for a couple of weeks, chances are you not going to do yourself any favours long term running around on it especially if the ground is on the harder side.
Cheers Moosey,

I had a look on Full-time and not the first time a player for them has been carded. One was sent off a few weeks ago!

The manager was F'in and blinding all way through half time team talk so hardly surprising his players were like that.

Today is another game. Get through this ok and yesterday's a distant memory.
Cheers Moosey,

I had a look on Full-time and not the first time a player for them has been carded. One was sent off a few weeks ago!

The manager was F'in and blinding all way through half time team talk so hardly surprising his players were like that.

Today is another game. Get through this ok and yesterday's a distant memory.
Good attitude