Additional Details on Whole game

Hi all,

Had my first (and second) ever red card today, and I've ran into a bit of confusion while reporting them.

When reporting cases of Violent Conduct on whole game, is it necessary to add a comment in the "additional details" section? I thought that you needed to talk about the specific details of the incident, when it happened, where it happened, what led up to it etc, however I've gone to submit them now and the "additional details" box didn't come up until I had already added them - this makes me think that maybe no comment is expected?

Thanks in advance for your help 😁
A&H International
Additional comments aren’t usually necessary, unless it was a particularly bad case, in which case you should do an extraordinary report as well as the red card.
Arguably, additional comments aren't even read, it's just a leftover field from when written reports were necessary. You can fill in for your own reference in case it comes up (for example, you might want to write "off the ball kick" or "elbow" or something like that to remind yourself of the offence), but it's not used by the CFA.

If it's a standard red card, report it with the code only.

If it's something more serious, an Extraordinary Report will be needed to ensure appropriate punishment. For VC, that would likely be because there was an extended assault (ie one or two immediate punches/kicks/elbows would be covered by the normal RC, more would need an ER), it was VC against a match official, or there was a further offence (including offensive language) when leaving the field.

If you're not sure, do the ER, give the CFA the details and let them decide. They can choose the standard punishment if they decide what you've written doesn't need additional sanction - they can't give the additional punishment if you don't tell them it's happened.