ADVICE for cards at youth football

A&H International
But in general, I agree with the majority here - 11v11 and the LOTG are to be applied in full. Below that, stretch you tolerance further for PI and for what counts as careless, but if you need to show red for something awful, you still show red. And I applaud any ref who wants to do his part in nipping dissent in the bud at low age group football.
How about 9v9, as when I’m not doing 11v11, I’ll probably be doing 9v9?
We are watching this very, very closely as can see where it is going.

At the moment it is just about staying on topic, let's make sue it stays that way.
We are watching this very, very closely as can see where it is going.

At the moment it is just about staying on topic, let's make sue it stays that way.
Didn’t expect an advice seeking post to get heated... oops
For those that may not be aware, there are specific laws for mini-soccer, and for our community the most relevant paragraph is (my italics):

Law 5 Referees - The Authority of the Referee Each match is controlled by a referee who has full authority to enforce the Laws for Mini-Soccer in connection with the match to which they have been appointed. Furthermore, referees should also recognise their role is to facilitate learning of the players, for example, allow young children to take a second attempt at a throw-in if the first is not within the Laws.

So U10's and below, they get a bit of leeway - a judgement call by the referee. U11 and up, where they play to the full LotG (9-a-side is not considered mini-soccer), then the full LotG should be applied, as you would to any OA game.
Would I use cards at 9aside football. Yes. Have I used cards in 9 aside football? Yes, but you need to be brave and it needs to be a nailed on decision.
We hear the phrase what football expects on this forum, and I can say this with confidence. If you listen to what coaches and parents say there are no bookings at youth football. You can't book him he's only a kid. Until big Carl wipes out there little Wayne and you hear that should of been a red.
What I think is that the FA sends out a memo to all youth clubs stating that at 9 aside upwards cautions will be issued for cautionable offence to clear up any confusion. This would make everybodies lives easier. Refs who are using cards would not get grief refs who were not sure would be sure. Last weeks refs would be in the wrong but more importantly coaches and parents would know what is meant to be happening.
I do my best to stamp out dissent at youth I have more cards for that at anything, but I feel I am a lone campaigner with in my reffing peers at youth level. Do I get bad club marks because I caution. Probably. Do I have a reputation among players when they see me? Yes I do. Would I have that reputation if other refs were applying the law? Probably not(although I'm surer some players and coaches would disagree!)
Would I use cards at 9aside football. Yes. Have I used cards in 9 aside football? Yes, but you need to be brave and it needs to be a nailed on decision.
We hear the phrase what football expects on this forum, and I can say this with confidence. If you listen to what coaches and parents say there are no bookings at youth football. You can't book him he's only a kid. Until big Carl wipes out there little Wayne and you hear that should of been a red.
What I think is that the FA sends out a memo to all youth clubs stating that at 9 aside upwards cautions will be issued for cautionable offence to clear up any confusion. This would make everybodies lives easier. Refs who are using cards would not get grief refs who were not sure would be sure. Last weeks refs would be in the wrong but more importantly coaches and parents would know what is meant to be happening.
I do my best to stamp out dissent at youth I have more cards for that at anything, but I feel I am a lone campaigner with in my reffing peers at youth level. Do I get bad club marks because I caution. Probably. Do I have a reputation among players when they see me? Yes I do. Would I have that reputation if other refs were applying the law? Probably not(although I'm surer some players and coaches would disagree!)
Completely agree, there should definitely be more clarification for clubs and referees, maybe like how there is clarification for mini soccer
Completely agree, there should definitely be more clarification for clubs and referees, maybe like how there is clarification for mini soccer
What is it that you are looking to clarify? I think ifab thought ahead which is why this is e very first thing written in the book:
What is it that you are looking to clarify? I think ifab thought ahead which is why this is e very first thing written in the book:
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I mean in the same way it is clear that rules can slightly differ for mini soccer. If there was more clarification for cards/sanctions for 9v9, there’d be less confusion. When I played 9v9, I only saw a few yellows, and they were mainly for dissent even though many challenges probably deserved a yellow. They only weren’t given because it wasn’t ‘expected’ and if there was more clarification for clubs and referees about how cautions should be issued, regardless of the age group, then there wouldn’t be any confusion.

As a striker, I got fouled constantly when through on goal but never saw a card for any of them and I never appealed for DOGSO or a card because I just never expected them at that level.
ive used my cards from U10 to U16 with a red card being shown to the 9 yr old, the cheeky kid told me to wipe the dog sh*te off my glasses haha his mistake
Good decision. What was his reaction as well as the manager’s and spectators?
Good decision. What was his reaction as well as the manager’s and spectators?
i had to report it as the manager wasnt happy and told me to get of his fu*&ing field and never come back he also tried to with hold my money until i told him thats fine but that will also go to fa at which point he gave me my money and shoved me off the pitch the away spectators told me to just leave with them as the manager was with the home team. I have never and will not be back to that club i was only 16 at the time! The next season this team was no longer a team i dont know whether this incident which was their 2nd last game of season had anything to do with it.
^^ sounds like as standard, the respect, or lack of, coming from the coach, filters down to the players...^^
I dont blame players really especially that young because the adult who is looking after them (ie manager) is behaving like that so the youngens assume it is alright to act like they do and they are too young to realise the consequences such as a card leading to fine and ban if a red
i had to report it as the manager wasnt happy and told me to get of his fu*&ing field and never come back he also tried to with hold my money until i told him thats fine but that will also go to fa at which point he gave me my money and shoved me off the pitch the away spectators told me to just leave with them as the manager was with the home team. I have never and will not be back to that club i was only 16 at the time! The next season this team was no longer a team i dont know whether this incident which was their 2nd last game of season had anything to do with it.
That is absolutely awful, hope he got appropriately dealt with
The fish rots from the head. I do hope you reported all the afters from the club involved. Those actions are unacceptable even more so as you were only 16 at the time. I do hope that manger was pulled in front of the FA and got into trouble. Kudos to those away parents who saw what was happening and shame on the home parents who didn't interfere.
Only ever showed a yellow in my short Junior football career, one chunky lad was significantly bigger than the rest of both teams at about U8, he was kicking lumps out of other players, at that age I can accept mis-timed or clumsy but this looked cynical and after 2-3 he'd had a warning with his coach aside, after 2 more even worse it wasn't funny especially to his opponents so I yellow carded him and the coach subbed him with him bawling in tears.... No compassion from me because he was just a little bully, even at that age!!!