Ars V Shu


Staff member
Level 3 Referee
What do we all make of the Luiz pull/hold?
Seeing a lot of should be red on twitter - worlds going mad 😂
For me, I don't think it really has much impact on Burke's movement, but I would accept a foul.
As for a sanction, I definitely don't think red. Mainly around control of the ball, he doesn't have it and it isn't clear he will get it so is definitely not a DoGSO
A&H International
Leno was right there and cleared it. No chance of DOGSO.

Bizarre one for me was the lack of red for the challenge on Aubameyang. Lunged in studs up, above ankle. Honestly thought he broke his leg he was down for that long.
It has to be a free kick and at least a caution. For a red the referee / VAR would need a degree of certainly that Burke would have got there before Leno. There's no doubt the pull back slowed him up but I think there is enough doubt to keep the red away.
What do we all make of the Luiz pull/hold?
Seeing a lot of should be red on twitter - worlds going mad 😂
For me, I don't think it really has much impact on Burke's movement, but I would accept a foul.
As for a sanction, I definitely don't think red. Mainly around control of the ball, he doesn't have it and it isn't clear he will get it so is definitely not a DoGSO
Probably because the commentators and all the pundits at HT were livid it wasn’t a red, and comparing it to the Sheffield red last week. If you get the fed the wrong information, you repeat the wrong information
Probably because the commentators and all the pundits at HT were livid it wasn’t a red, and comparing it to the Sheffield red last week.
They were very worked up about it and completely dogmatic, weren't they? While completely ignoring the fact that, as pointed out by others, there was serious doubt over the likelihood of the player keeping or (re)gaining control of the ball.