Brentford v Leicester


New Member
Leicester GK, grey short sleeve shirt, white base layer, and grey shorts with white base layer.

surely at that level it should be getting picked up on?
A&H International
It's inconsequential at any level. Grey into white is not a million miles away and doesn't clash. Just play on.
It doesn't. But the book also says free kicks must be taken fron the position of the offence. Routinely, these are taken from varying position. In fact senior referees tell me as an AR not to worry ytoo much in the defensive zone.
Also says GK should be penalised for holding the ball more than six seconds. Have to go back many years since I saw this punished or indeed punished it myself.
Fact is, as a referee the problems will find you without needing to go looking for them.
The impact on this game is NIL. What is gained by bing picky about it. NIL. Its just a non event. Like many of the other laws we ignore/bend to out needs in each game.
Been down this route many times, and there are no black and white answers, it seems!

GKs in PL routinely wear and all black kit, as does the referee - sure an observer would ask you about it if going for promotion and being assessed but in PL its deemed to be OK.

6 second law for GK is ignored by us all.

I have seen Ellen White (Man City WSL) wearing a ring on two occasions now.

Without crowds its even more obvious how much dissent and OFFINABUS is ignored at the top levels.

Used to bug me a bit more than it does now, the trick is to know the law and apply it in your games AS APPROPRIATE.

I was on the line to a 5 - 4 candidate on a foul night - cold and heavy rain for 90' - Isthmian Under 23.

One team played in yellow and they had a mix of black, white and blue undershirts.

Observer afterwards said he appreciated that the weather meant that undershirts were necessary and he would have to mention the different colours in his report, but would not 'highlight' it as an error. He said, going forward, he recognised that while you would not expect a team at this level to have yellow undershirts they should all have been wearing white, which while 'illegal' would have been more acceptable.

Its about trying to marry up common sense, the LOTG and expectation I guess.
Perhaps they were grey rather than white, not always east to tell on TV. If they were red or blue then I might say it was a valid point, but white and grey are reasonably close. Additionally, keepers seem to get away with this a lot more than outfield players as you frequently see different coloured undershorts and sleeves at all levels.
Perhaps they were grey rather than white, not always east to tell on TV. If they were red or blue then I might say it was a valid point, but white and grey are reasonably close. Additionally, keepers seem to get away with this a lot more than outfield players as you frequently see different coloured undershorts and sleeves at all levels.

Would you insist, or more pertinently would an observer remark, on Paul Pogba's all black arm covering do you think?
Definitely not, it isn't an undersleeve, it is a medical strapping / protection.
OK thanks, genuine question- so protection like that can be any colour? I guess if it clashed with the other team, you could ask (not insist) that it be covered by a long sleeve shirt?
OK thanks, genuine question- so protection like that can be any colour? I guess if it clashed with the other team, you could ask (not insist) that it be covered by a long sleeve shirt?

Guess you could, or point out he shouldn't blame you if you give a penalty against him when it was actually an attacking player that handled :)
Some competition rules cover colours for protective gear and religious coverings. I referred in a futsal comp which did so. It may be worth while checking.
Some competition rules cover colours for protective gear and religious coverings. I referred in a futsal comp which did so. It may be worth while checking.
FUTSAL laws of the game know specifies that arm and knee protectors must be the same colour as the shirt sleeve and shorts respectively.
The rules I mentioned were specifically about head protective gear, hijab and similar coverings. This was a few years ago. I have not kept up to date as closely as I have for football as I now only do some local futsal comps.