The Ref Stop

Brighton v Newcastle

Dino Ref

Well-Known Member
I'm hoping you good folks can change my mind here as I've watched it back and don't actually see a red card. Since I'm seeing no debate about it I must be wrong.

In real time I thought he had given it for serious foul play however watching it back I don't see either DOGSO or SFP.

I think Wilson is not in control of the ball and Dunk is getting back to make a challenge.

Based on the clip the only thing I can think of is that the general consensus is that Dunk isn't getting there and Wilson will have an easy goal.

Am I just blind and if so am I right or can someone explain another explanation?
The Ref Stop
Clear DOGSO, without Sanchez taking him out Wilson has a run on goal with no keeper. Whilst there may be covering defenders, they can't use their hands and that has to be taken into account.
• denying a goal or an obvious goal-scoring opportunity to an opponent whose overall movement is towards the offender’s goal by an offence punishable by a free kick (unless as outlined below)

offence: check
Against an opponent: check
Overall movement towards goal: check
OGSO: check (see below) also note it was and empty net in front of him. Not even a one on one.

The following must be considered:
• distance between the offence and the goal: check. 32 yards of clear space
• general direction of the play : check. Almost directly at goal
• likelihood of keeping or gaining control of the ball: check. He would have clearly gained control around 25 yards out
• location and number of defenders: check. Closet defender 5 yards wide and 2 yards behind. No chance of impact before a shot at empty net from 20 yards out almost directly in front.

This is as clear as DOGSO as they come. The only thing anyone can argue against is distance. Given its an empty net, that argument is well and truly out. (Would not have been an issue on a one on one either)

based entirely on the screen shot ( have not seen the incident), if the op is questioning dogso, lets put the gk back on his pen spot and have the foul committed by the last blue defender.

now lets return to the screenshot,
Coote.... another promising Referee ruined by the PGMOL and VAR
He was awful. But I don't really blame him, as he's in good company

And of course I'm not happy with VAR re-refereeing the PK and Coote studying it in slow motion for an eternity
Why didn't Mings get a Review at Southampton? Although not saying he should've done, but his was a much better shout. EPL nonsense, all of it
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Looking at the laws I now see.

3 out of the 4 criteria have been met.

I now see why it was given. Cheers everyone.
Out of interest, which do you think has not been met? The law does require all 4 to be met (which is the case here in my opinion), so it may be useful to discuss why you think this is arguably still short of the requirements?
Out of interest, which do you think has not been met? The law does require all 4 to be met (which is the case here in my opinion), so it may be useful to discuss why you think this is arguably still short of the requirements?
Control of the ball. I think Wilson's touch is big and Dunk may get it before him.
Does it? They're mandatory considerations, not elements.

Other than that, I agree. Nailed on DOGSO
Totally agree. I called them criteria ( the text in the send off offences) and considerations (the four point explanation).
Out of interest, which do you think has not been met? The law does require all 4 to be met (which is the case here in my opinion), so it may be useful to discuss why you think this is arguably still short of the requirements?
The law does not require them all to be met.

They are considerations.

There are all kinds of weird and wonderful scenarios you can find or invent where one or more considerations are not met but there is still DOGSO-R.