The Ref Stop


Ollie towns

New Member
So if a dad that refs the game ,gives a red or yellow card in youth football ,can the fa impose a fine , considering the ref I'd not affiliated with the FA ?
The Ref Stop
So if a dad that refs the game ,gives a red or yellow card in youth football ,can the fa impose a fine , considering the ref I'd not affiliated with the FA ?

Rule 23 (b) of the SCOR-Y (standard code of rules - youth)

(B)In cases where there are no officially appointed Match Officials in attendance, the Clubs shall agree upon a referee. An individual thus agreed upon shall, for that Competition Match, have the full powers, status, and authority of a registered referee.

If he reports to the county FA any discipline action he took during they game then any administration charges will apply.
Unless the referee reports the misconduct through an appropriate channel, no.
so both clubs reported it but referee did not the clib heard nothing back , thoughts ?


Rule 23 (b) of the SCOR-Y (standard code of rules - youth)

(B)In cases where there are no officially appointed Match Officials in attendance, the Clubs shall agree upon a referee. An individual thus agreed upon shall, for that Competition Match, have the full powers, status, and authority of a registered referee.

If he reports to the county FA any discipline action he took during they game then any administration charges will apply.
My thoughts are to pick up the phone/email the discipline department and ask them directly.

I am going to assume that aren't a referee and therefore assume that you may not be aware that post reporting the discipline, except for when called as a witness at a hearing, referees have little to nothing to do with the processing of discipline matters.

The most helpful people will be those in the county FA that the club is affiliated with.

A quick look on Sussex FA and my starting point would be CharlieThurgood, the football services manager. 👍
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Why would the 2 x clubs be reporting it ?
In many leagues clubs are required to enter cautions and sendings off after the game. That's obviously reporting to the league though not the CFA, so wouldn't trigger a fine.