Change of Name


New Member
Level 6 Referee
So, pre-season game today and cautioned for a player for dissent. He gave me a name which didn't come across as fake. But then after the game, he comes into the changing room and says "so, do you want my real name then"
Do I report the caution under the fake name or the real name? Or do I send the fake name as well as a report saying that he then told me a different name. This has never happened before so a bit confused
A&H International
I am cautioning under the first name given and then providing a plain paper report with his later admission in the changing room.

Let county sort out what the truth is.
I am cautioning under the first name given and then providing a plain paper report with his later admission in the changing room.

Let county sort out what the truth is.
You don't know which is his correct name. The first one could have been but he was unregistered so the second one was for a registered player.
As SM says, the report form goes with the first name attached. Everything after goes as an advisory note to CFA.
im in agreement with the chaps above, although im not sure if I agree - or even understand what @Jacko meant haha!

sounds fishy to me, as if the name he gave you is unregistered - or more to the fact, the 2nd name is made up and he doesn't want to get a fine
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I think jackos post was a posting error. Deleted it from view as it made no sense. Coming from me that means a lot!

@Jacko if it was meant for here, let me know and I will see about putting it back. And see about arranging a psychiatric evaluation for you! :)
Similarly, I had a 'Roger Moore' yesterday, who everyone called Tommy throughout. Now is this just 'Roger Moore'?
Forgot to post back in here, interestingly enough the original name given (the one which was apparently fake) was listed on the whole game system but the second name was not. In the end I submitted the name given on the pitch as the cautioned player with a note on the whole game system stating the incident after the game