CV19 Wave 4

Big Cat

RefChat Addict
Level 4 Referee
At least I think we're in the 4th wave (UK)

Have asked this question a few times since the start of the pandemic, but here we go again...
'When will Covid start impacting footy again'?
Obviously Spurs affected so far, but grass roots must be somewhat at risk when considering such things as hospitality (which we know is crucial)

The worst of the 'simulations' (mathematical, not cheating) (albeit somewhat unlikely) would put us in a sticky spot come Jan, Feb
A&H International
Man Utd likely off tomorrow as well, and QPR vs Sheff U off tonight. Premier League teams have been told to go back to Covid protocols to try and stop the spread.

I think it will depend on how unwell Omicron makes people. There is seemingly evidence from South Africa that it spreads much faster but illness is much less severe, if that turns out to be the case I suspect the government will try and get through it without lockdowns. Obviously if hospitalisations and deaths start to rise all bets are off though. The difficulty they will have this time time is people won't comply with lockdowns, especially not after the latest government scandals.
A few matches in my area last week were postponed due to covid, first I've known for a while. I think its probably inevitable that after the Xmas period grassroots football will be effected by further covid measures. Yes most of us should have had our boosters by then but the numbers expected in hospitals is predicted to be high with the new variant and post Xmas gatherings thays bound to be at its worst.

In the South West there's been very few postponements as the weather has been mild this season without too much rain. I've not had a single postponement this season which is unheard off for a Northerner like me. Most leagues are well ahead of where they expected to be I imagine so if restrictions are tightened they may well decide to knock it on the head for a month to reduce the transmission risk as it should be easily doable to ensure we have a completed season this year ever with a month or two off. In my County League most teams have played a minimum of 50% of their fixtures already. Theres one team in the step 6 league I officiate on that's played 23/36 games already.
Somerset Women’s County League has just postponed all games due to COVID. Of all 4 games I have this week it’s the one middle that gets cancelled! Can’t say I’m surprised…
A few matches in my area last week were postponed due to covid, first I've known for a while. I think its probably inevitable that after the Xmas period grassroots football will be effected by further covid measures. Yes most of us should have had our boosters by then but the numbers expected in hospitals is predicted to be high with the new variant and post Xmas gatherings thays bound to be at its worst.

In the South West there's been very few postponements as the weather has been mild this season without too much rain. I've not had a single postponement this season which is unheard off for a Northerner like me. Most leagues are well ahead of where they expected to be I imagine so if restrictions are tightened they may well decide to knock it on the head for a month to reduce the transmission risk as it should be easily doable to ensure we have a completed season this year ever with a month or two off. In my County League most teams have played a minimum of 50% of their fixtures already. Theres one team in the step 6 league I officiate on that's played 23/36 games already.
It's unheard of down here as well.
This time last season 15 games. This season 23 and counting.
Potential future restrictions to Hospitality is where I foresee some risk
Across the Pyramid, games are not viable if Clubs can't have their bars fully open etc.
Potential future restrictions to Hospitality is where I foresee some risk
Across the Pyramid, games are not viable if Clubs can't have their bars fully open etc.
Yeah that was the issue last time round, especially at Steps 3-6. Even with cross through the gate, without all the bar and hospitality, it's just not viable for most clubs to play the fixtures.

I suspect that with weather disruption and Covid that football will be thin on the ground come the New Year.
Man Utd likely off tomorrow as well, and QPR vs Sheff U off tonight. Premier League teams have been told to go back to Covid protocols to try and stop the spread.

I think it will depend on how unwell Omicron makes people. There is seemingly evidence from South Africa that it spreads much faster but illness is much less severe, if that turns out to be the case I suspect the government will try and get through it without lockdowns. Obviously if hospitalisations and deaths start to rise all bets are off though. The difficulty they will have this time time is people won't comply with lockdowns, especially not after the latest government scandals.

I'm guessing that (for one reason or another) Boris will resist the urge to introduce another lockdown-type scenarion before the New Year. After that, it's anyone's guess. I've matches scheduled for 27th December and 2nd Jan but wouldn't expect to be doing any after those two for at least a month ...
I'm guessing that (for one reason or another) Boris will resist the urge to introduce another lockdown-type scenarion before the New Year. After that, it's anyone's guess. I've matches scheduled for 27th December and 2nd Jan but wouldn't expect to be doing any after those two for at least a month ...
All boils down to the risk of hospitalisation caused by Omicron. Something that won't be fully understood until the end of the month
No chance they'll stop outdoor exercise, but the hospitality sector could be threatened to keep schools open etc.
I always though football's governing bodies were pretty naïve in terms of assuming we'd have an uninterrupted season. Bit like Boris' 'one-way-ticket' 😏
Man Utd likely off tomorrow as well, and QPR vs Sheff U off tonight. Premier League teams have been told to go back to Covid protocols to try and stop the spread.

I think it will depend on how unwell Omicron makes people. There is seemingly evidence from South Africa that it spreads much faster but illness is much less severe, if that turns out to be the case I suspect the government will try and get through it without lockdowns. Obviously if hospitalisations and deaths start to rise all bets are off though. The difficulty they will have this time time is people won't comply with lockdowns, especially not after the latest government scandals.
Perfectly summed up.

Mentioned this before in relation to lockdown 1. Although in a totally different era in terms of communication, the 'non compliance' was an issue even in WW2. The government initially shut down football and cinemas because of the perceived heightened risk from bombs, the more people that were outside. However it found that the damage to the morale of the people was so great that they deemed it more beneficial for those forms of public entertainment to continue - hence why we had organised football during WW2.

The problem today of course is the avalanche of 'information' available to us all - so not at all easy for us ordinary men and women to weigh up the risks v benefits of a lockdown v continuing with 'normal' life.

No 'right' or 'wrong' answers, after the last 20 months, I tend to respect anyone's stance on it, as often based on their personal experiences or those of close family members.
My Eastern Counties u18 line tonight was postponed due to covid in one of the squads.
As I said on another thread, my Isthmian U18s line was postponed last week.

Still have 3 in the diary before Xmas - 2 x Isthmian U18s and 1 x Womens National Reserve League - all on at the moment.
Perfectly summed up.

Mentioned this before in relation to lockdown 1. Although in a totally different era in terms of communication, the 'non compliance' was an issue even in WW2. The government initially shut down football and cinemas because of the perceived heightened risk from bombs, the more people that were outside. However it found that the damage to the morale of the people was so great that they deemed it more beneficial for those forms of public entertainment to continue - hence why we had organised football during WW2.

The problem today of course is the avalanche of 'information' available to us all - so not at all easy for us ordinary men and women to weigh up the risks v benefits of a lockdown v continuing with 'normal' life.

No 'right' or 'wrong' answers, after the last 20 months, I tend to respect anyone's stance on it, as often based on their personal experiences or those of close family members.

And of course compliance would be an even bigger issue in any subsequent lockdown given the behaviour of the government officials in previous ones.
And of course compliance would be an even bigger issue in any subsequent lockdown given the behaviour of the government officials in previous ones.
Correct, another big difference to the world then.

General public had no idea what Churchill or indeed any other MP was doing when not in the public eye for example!
So the FA have updated there Covid Guidance, but the policy is aimed at keeping football going
That said, all kids games in my area are off. Bit surprised the pyramid hasn't panicked. It's only professional football that's decimated with postponements at the moment
Did an Isthmian U18s on Weds night and my next on on Monday has been confirmed.

Women's National Reserve League also still going ahead on Sunday, at the time of writing.

Could all change soon I guess.

As I said before depends if the high number of postives turn into a high number of hospital admissions.

Despite lots of 'coulds'; 'mights' ; "expect"; "up tos" flyiing around, haven't seen evidence that it has .....yet, but then I deliberately do not follow the news very closely at the moment, so apologies if that's already out of date!
Well the Women's game bit the last night, tomorrow still on, but presume will hinge on how many positive tests either team have today?
Grass roots football in London this weekend was almost completely wiped out, including the women's league. Players just aren't willing to mix with others six days before Christmas when they will be with family, some of which might be elderly. Especially not as there is a state of emergency in London where the infection rates are though the roof.

Grass roots football in London this weekend was almost completely wiped out, including the women's league. Players just aren't willing to mix with others six days before Christmas when they will be with family, some of which might be elderly. Especially not as there is a state of emergency in London where the infection rates are though the roof.

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And yet, a few miles up the road, >90% of Spartan games had no issues
Although the Senior County didn't manage 50% played