The Ref Stop

DFK taker moves the ball


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
I gave a DFK 25 yards out. I tell the attacker to wait for my whistle. I count out 10 yards for the wall and a defender says "he's moved the ball". So I pace back out from the wall to the ball and the attacker has moved the ball forward 2 yards.

Caution for USB? Restart?
The Ref Stop
Easy to say with the benefit of hindsight, but when marking out your 10 yards, ensure that you glance backwards regularly to prevent this from happening. Or if you have neutral AR's you could ask one of those to watch for it.

Once it has happened, I'd still be hard pushed to caution for it (although that may be correct in law) unless I saw it happen. Probably just a warning to not take the p*ss based on the new position of the ball.

Restart would still be the direct free kick as play was never restarted.
Still DFK for restart no doubt. I would probably give him an earful the first time, caution if he does it again.
If a caution is warranted, I’d be inclined to caution for delaying the restart. Not that it really matters if it is DR or USB.

aside: how many of you actually pace out 10? I just jog to where 10 is (which also makes it easier to keep an eye on the kicker at the same time).
Before pacing out the 10, look for things around the pitch that you could use as a guide to help you figure out if the ball has been moved or not. If you're at a parks level game, it may be a water bottle or coat on the floor. If you're at a ground, it could be a certain pitchside sponsor.

Defending teams will often claimn ball has been moved when it hasn't. By having to count the 10 yards out again, it can sometimes be seen as them getting one over on you.

If you've got NAR's, definitely mention to the attacker that they'll be watching
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If a caution is warranted, I’d be inclined to caution for delaying the restart. Not that it really matters if it is DR or USB.

aside: how many of you actually pace out 10? I just jog to where 10 is (which also makes it easier to keep an eye on the kicker at the same time).
Goes to credibility. If you don’t pace it out some smart a*** will ding you for it.
Don't see how you can caution for it as you can't caution for something you haven't seen, you are pretty sure he has moved it but that isn't really good enough. As others have said, glance back over your shoulder every 2 or 3 steps, and if you have them ask NARs to monitor it.