Dissent Caution


Active Member
Level 5 Referee
Yellow v blue today; blue tackled and feels it’s a foul, I don’t so blue player runs at me telling me how frustrated he is. I take a couple of steps back to give him breathing space but he continues forward. At this point it’s An easy YC for dissent so I blow the whistle to stop the game to issue the caution. At this time the yellow team are on half way line looking to progress although I deem it to be a dead area. I issue the caution to blue player and Restart with IDFK

When I stopped the game there were a few half hearted complaints about yellows having the ball etc and I could have let play continue until the next stoppage but felt this was a necessary caution to help my match control, what you don’t punish you encourage and leaving it till the next stoppage would not have had the same impact especially as it could have been a few minutes but ultimately while yellows had control of the ball they were not in an advanced area or in the middle of a promising attack so just wondering what everyone else thinks?
A&H International
Yellow v blue today; blue tackled and feels it’s a foul, I don’t so blue player runs at me telling me how frustrated he is. I take a couple of steps back to give him breathing space but he continues forward. At this point it’s An easy YC for dissent so I blow the whistle to stop the game to issue the caution. At this time the yellow team are on half way line looking to progress although I deem it to be a dead area. I issue the caution to blue player and Restart with IDFK

When I stopped the game there were a few half hearted complaints about yellows having the ball etc and I could have let play continue until the next stoppage but felt this was a necessary caution to help my match control, what you don’t punish you encourage and leaving it till the next stoppage would not have had the same impact especially as it could have been a few minutes but ultimately
while yellows had control of the ball they were not in an advanced area or in the middle of a promising attack so just wondering what everyone else thinks?

again, you had to be there
but for me, I would, stop play for a red card
a yellow, i will come back for...
and not the same impact? why?. Make it the same impact. Whistle, beckon player to you, meet half way, point to area where it happened, raise voice if needed, say, "no, you cant talk to me like that, any further offences and you are risking dismissal", and in passing run past captain (if thats your thing) and say to him, "tell no6 he better behave for rest of the game"
impact made
Agree, stopping play for a dissent caution should only be done if it is right at the top of the scale, and should never be done if stopping play penalises the other team. Just say loudly "I'm coming back for that", then there is no worry about your match control as everyone knows you have heard it and aren't ignoring it.
I did this myself last week, but due to frustration more than anything else. A player had been chipping away for a bit, had gone through all the warnings and complained again - so I'd had enough. Blew my whistle, pulled him to one side to give the yellow, and only then realised that the tackle on him that he thought was a foul had sparked a counter-attack by the opponents. I could only apologise to the other team - fortunately, they were winning comfortably so weren't too upset by it.
I did this myself last week, but due to frustration more than anything else. A player had been chipping away for a bit, had gone through all the warnings and complained again - so I'd had enough. Blew my whistle, pulled him to one side to give the yellow, and only then realised that the tackle on him that he thought was a foul had sparked a counter-attack by the opponents. I could only apologise to the other team - fortunately, they were winning comfortably so weren't too upset by it.

nothing is set in stone. and if the moment strikes and you think what you are doing is for the best then its hard to be critical
Just think of it like advantage.
If stopping play will disadvantage the opposing team, you wait. If it wouldn't really disadvantage them, then you stop. If the dissenter's team is in control then you must stop.
Great points everyone. I had to wait for the ball to go out of play to warn several parents today during a match. Most of the warnings and cautions I give out is due to sheer ignorance of the LOTG lets alone the game itself.

Red player is taking a shot on goal inside the penalty area, he has his hand on a white player and does push off a bit. His shot goes wide for a goal-kick. I give him a warning for pushing off and he acknowledges me. I hear from a large group of red parents, that's pushing, open your eyes referee. Take note I have a brand new AR on that side and I am on a tear for now allowing any of this. I can only imagine what is said when I put a newer youth center out there. I wait for next stoppage, blow the whistle twice and calmly walk across the pitch to talk to the parents. First off I ask who made the comment, they were pointed out. I show them the whistle and ask them if they can do a better job. Of course they say no. They moan about pushing. I inform them unless they have run 100's of games they have no idea. I also inform that they most likely do not know any of the LOTG. They keep saying pushing this and that. I inform them that they have two choices here, to be quiet or we will have your coach escort you to the parking lot.

Very quiet after that.