DOGSO by Handball - Question of Law


Active Member
Level 5 Referee
One that has plagued me for a while now.

If a player denies an obvious goal scoring opportunity by handling the ball, but the movement of the arm is justifiable by the player’s body mocement for that specific situation (eg: turning the angle of their body on the line), is it still an offence?

I mean I’m talking, goal line, last man, but doesn’t intentionally handle.

My understanding from law 12.3 is no, as a player must be sent off for: denying the opposing team a goal or an obvious goal-scoring opportunity by a handball offence (except a goalkeeper within their penalty area).

Thats without being player expectation into the mix!
A&H International
It has to be a handball offence before a sanction can be considered. The only offences for accidental handball are for scoring directly from the hand or arm, or immediately after it touching the hand /arm (neither of these are DOGSO)and of course the unnaturally bigger. Pretty sure there is an IFAB q&a for this exact scenario. Let me dig.

Edit: nope can't find it but all the same. Unless there is a handball offence then a player can't be given a sanction.
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