Expenses query


Level 5 Referee
Just a quick one, on expenses, would you add on any toll roads? Just the quickest way there and back is via a toll road, but unsure whether to claim that as well or not.

What’s the general consensus on this?
A&H International
The longer route would result in more mileage anyway. But yes, the use of a toll road is a claimable expense.
Just a quick one, on expenses, would you add on any toll roads? Just the quickest way there and back is via a toll road, but unsure whether to claim that as well or not.

What’s the general consensus on this?
Official line is you are meant to take the cheapest route.
If it's faster for you but more expensive for club then that is for your convenience so I wouldnt claim.
It it is cheaper including the toll fee or there is no other suitable Route then claim it.
Secretary at my game yesterday misunderstood when I said my fee was £54...he didnt bat an eyelid and handed over £97! Devastated to have to correct him...club mark best reflect my honesty!
Secretary at my game yesterday misunderstood when I said my fee was £54...he didnt bat an eyelid and handed over £97! Devastated to have to correct him...club mark best reflect my honesty!
Where did £97 come from!
Official line is you are meant to take the cheapest route.
If it's faster for you but more expensive for club then that is for your convenience so I wouldnt claim.
It it is cheaper including the toll fee or there is no other suitable Route then claim it.
I've only ever been told you can only claim the shortest route - I can' find anything official in writing from The FA stating one thing or the other!
I've only ever been told you can only claim the shortest route - I can' find anything official in writing from The FA stating one thing or the other!
Yes. That's what I meant. And same, just remember being told, but don't think it's officially written down. I'd expect if you asked the FA that would be there official line

Where did £97 come from!
he just asked for the fee as we saw him post game (rather than taking the expenses card) and he assumed, when I said £54 that that was just the expenses part of the fee (he said after that they'd had someone charge more than that this season which sound bizarre for the locality of the pool I'm on)
he just asked for the fee as we saw him post game (rather than taking the expenses card) and he assumed, when I said £54 that that was just the expenses part of the fee (he said after that they'd had someone charge more than that this season which sound bizarre for the locality of the pool I'm on)
Yes. That's what I meant. And same, just remember being told, but don't think it's officially written down. I'd expect if you asked the FA that would be there official line
It definitely used to be written down, and cited the M25 as an example. Officials could choose to go round the M25 if going from North to South London, or vice versa, but could only claim for taking a direct route (a route which no one in their right mind would ever take)