Extra player on the FOP restart

santa sangria

RefChat Addict
In Law 3 in the latest laws I am confused if there is a difference whether an extra player (sub) on the FOP interferes with play or not, and if that affects the restart...?

There is the section that says "any other offences" - caution and IDFK
And the section that cites interference - YC/RC and DKF/PK

Is it YC/IDFK if a sub enters the FOP but does not interfere with play?
A&H International
My understanding is that play is only stopped at extra person interfering. Indeed it says have the extra person removed at the next stoppage.
So by that logic, the restart is in accordance with the next stoppage e.g. GK, Ck etc. Adminstering the disciplinary sanction at said stoppage.
My understanding also is that the laws were recently modified to allow a goal to stand that had been scored with an extra player on the FOP, so long as that person did not interfere with play. That logic would agree with James Long's post above and the extra player would be removed at the next stoppage.
Is it YC/IDFK if a sub enters the FOP but does not interfere with play?

On this point, that's a great question. It directly relates to match control.

My thinking on this: It depends on the level. If it's u12 and above, and you believe that an extra player has come on to gain an unfair advantage (for whatever reason), then you should wait for a natural stoppage and caution them. If you (or your crew) notice the extra player on FOP and they DO become involved in active play, I would stop it the second the extra player becomes involved, caution, dismiss with an admonishment that they must wait for you to allow them onto the FOP, and restart with an IDFK at the spot of the foul. I guarantee you will lose all semblance of match control if/once the opposing team notices the extra player.

By way of background, I asked a similar question recently that is directly related to the consequences of allowing (an) extra player(s) on the FOP and the feedback I received was great and really caused my to become extra vigilant for this exact scenario. See my thread here: http://refchat.co.uk/threads/goal-pitch-invasion-quick-kickoff.9933/
If they interfere with play, DFK restart.

If there's a point where you notice that extra player on the FOP, and even if they're not interfering, and the play is essentially in a dead zone, it can be a good idea to simply get that player off of the field of play. In that case, YC, and IFK at the point of the ball.
Alex can you do that now if they don't interfere? Seems a sensible approach but can't see it in the laws on extra persons on the FOP. Maybe it's in another section.

If a player who was temporarily off the field comes back on without permission the option to stop play and give a YC + IDFK without interference is explicitly stated in the laws.
Yes, there's nothing prohibiting it at all.

If the person's on the field of play, not interfering at all, then you could leave them on, until they interfere. But let's be proactive if we can. If we know they've actually come onto the field, then let's try to stop things before they can interfere... if there's a reasonable situation in the match where we can do that without interfering ourselves.

For example, Blue substitute comes onto the FOP without permission. Red has the ball in possession in their defensive end, Blue not pressuring. Let's just stop the play, deal with the extra player, and then Red has an IFK in their defensive end to restart. Doesn't really affect the game, other than to be proactive about fixing the extra person situation.
Yes, there's nothing prohibiting it at all.

If the person's on the field of play, not interfering at all, then you could leave them on, until they interfere. But let's be proactive if we can. If we know they've actually come onto the field, then let's try to stop things before they can interfere... if there's a reasonable situation in the match where we can do that without interfering ourselves.

For example, Blue substitute comes onto the FOP without permission. Red has the ball in possession in their defensive end, Blue not pressuring. Let's just stop the play, deal with the extra player, and then Red has an IFK in their defensive end to restart. Doesn't really affect the game, other than to be proactive about fixing the extra person situation.
Where is that in laws then, 'cos I can't find it?
Er... the any other offences bit you mentioned at the very top. Entering the FOP without permission is one of those. So... YC/IFK.