Extraordinary Incident Report?


New Member
Level 7 Referee
After a bit of advice following this afternoons match, for a bit of context it was youth football (U17's) in a competitive league, between two local teams with a fair history between them. It was close game throughout, no major discipline issues other than a couple of yellows.

With the score at 1-1 late in the 2nd, the home team broke forward and scored with less than a minute to play, cue pandemonium.

The team officials and several of the substitutes run from the "technical" area by the halfway line, across the pitch in order to celebrate with the team down by the goal line, midway between the penalty area and the corner flag. After 30-40 seconds and several loud blasts of the whistle, I finally manage to get everyone away from the huddle and start shepherding everyone back to where they should be. The away team are understandably keen to get on with the game in the hope of finding a late equaliser.

I considered dishing out a plethora of yellows for all those who entered the field of play without permission, but with 30s left to play I decided to get on with the game out of fairness for the now losing side.

At the final whistle there were a few choice words between the players, but again nothing of note misconduct wise, the home manager apologised for his actions, emotions got the better of him, away manager was less than pleased and said he'd be reporting the incident as disrespectful.

I too feel that it requires a report from myself, however a more experienced and higher level colleague suggests I'm being unduly harsh as it's just a kids game.

Would be interested on peoples opinions.
A&H International
I feel like this isn't worthy of an extraordinary report as it took place on the pitch during the game. If any misconduct was going to be reported, it should be via red/yellow cards as appropriate.

As that's obviously not possible retrospectively and the away manager is saying he's going to do something you feel like you probably should...I'd probably just leave it though. If he submits any sort of report very little will happen (the CFA won't charge the team based on something like this from another club) and I'd wager a small amount of money he never actually submit a anything anyway.

Worst case scenario you might get asked for your observations at which point you could say something like the home team celebrated the winner by coming on the pitch but you didn't deem it worthy of any report at the time.

Not a scenario I've ever come across but that's my opinion on it! I'm sure others will share theirs too!
Nothing to see here. Team scores last minute winner against rival. Team celebrates. You see it at all levels of the game, with no action taken.
And if there was something to report then I would strongly recommend against submitting reports that you haven't told anyone you are going to be reporting.