The Ref Stop

final assesment

Tino Best

RefChat Addict
Level 6 Referee
I took my final assesment test at my local FA and passed on Tuesday. I would like to say a big thank you to the members who recommended . This website was really good and testing, sometimes demoralising but a brilliant tool to help you pass the exam. Much better than trawling through the rule book, although I did that as well. I only got 1 question wrong and because of the website I found the test quite basic as the website is quite comprehensive and covers an awful lot of maybe unrealistic scenarios.
If there are any level 9s on here please use this website.

Once again thank you guys
The Ref Stop
Used the same site for my L4 test a month ago. It definitely helped, I felt prepared for the style of questions. Of the 25 who sat the test only 12 passed- I was one of these.
I like this tool as a refresher. is it udated with the new laws yet?
Excellent, thanks, got my test coming up soon so will use this. Just done some of the tests on the site and did reasonably well. Some brushing up to do though.