The Ref Stop


Just like players and referees, you get assessors of all different levels. They/we are not perfect at assessing. You would see poor advice form time to time. Some more than others. The trick is to listen/take all the advice but only use the ones that work for you.

Where I am, there are ways of giving assessors feedback. But I wouldn't do it unless he/she has given advice which is clearly wrong.
The Ref Stop
For the record I went with 3 base layers, undershorts and fingerless gloves.

Excellent cup game with the winner coming in the first minute of added time - phew!;)
Beat you.
3 base layers
short sleeve shirt
longsleeve shirt
gloves would have been 2 pairs but forgot my lightweight ones so only had my thick ones.

SF great article.
Just like players and referees, you get assessors of all different levels. They/we are not perfect at assessing. You would see poor advice form time to time. Some more than others. The trick is to listen/take all the advice but only use the ones that work for you.

Where I am, there are ways of giving assessors feedback. But I wouldn't do it unless he/she has given advice which is clearly wrong.

Imo being told that wearing gloves when it's freezing cold is wrong is absolutely ridiculous. Perhaps guidelines on this should be issued to assessors as surely this isn't the current thinking from the top? Well, it can't be because we see the best officials in Europe wearing gloves.

There's a clear and genuine safety benefit to wearing gloves and hats when it's freezing cold and giving advice to the contrary of safety is just bizarre imo. The safety of the participants is the most important thing is it not? I'm a hardy soul and I very rarely wear gloves. But when it's really cold, my hands/fingers, broken and dislocated several times by 25 years keeping wicket get rather painful. The bits of metal I have in 2 fingers don't hep either! If I was told u couldn't wear gloves then I wouldn't referee in the cold because I don't enjoy it and it effects my hands for days afterwards. Maybe that why I have such strong views on the subject, or maybe it's because its archaic thinking to reduce comfort and safety for no reason whatsoever.
All those base layers, I do really hope that you untucked your shirts to let yourself breathe?? You don't want to overheat out there!! Remember, your health comes before a fashion fad too!!! :cool:
We want to encourage more referees and I fail to see how assessors feel that forcing people to freeze their bits off achieves this? Gloves are worn in the CL but assessors think they're a no no in the local park? I can't fathom the logic, it's so backwards. Jurassic thinking.

Hats and gloves should be encouraged not discouraged,surely that's just common sense? In Australian sports hats are a must because of the weather. I wonder if they have assessors going around telling them to ignore the weather and take your hats off in golf and cricket etc?

To being it back to football, why do we put barriers in front of people in the forms of ultra strict and unnecessary nuances about the kit? Why can't we evolve like the rest of society and move with the times?

It's freezing cold this weekend, just wear whatever enables you to enjoy the game as opposed to freezing your bits off and losing the enjoyment surely? It's a game not a military parade
We really need a different set of rules for below say, step 7
When I officiated golf it was the same. Club Golf and Pro Golf are worlds apart and the same is true of football
At grassroots, safety and health first looking good and compliance next.

Actually safety and health first at any level. At higher levels you expect them to look professional and compliant at the same time.

At grassroots if it's a cold night and I have a junior on the night, I'd encourage them to wear a hoodie or jumper, preferably jumper under their jersey. Beanie or gloves are also ok.
It gets cold enough for hats and gloves in Oz does it?
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So many layers I couldn't get my top one tucked in! When working with a team of three my shirt will be tucked in but my long sleeved top seems to be a bit short and does come untucked unless I do a Simon Cowell with my shorts.
We really need a different set of rules for below say, step 7
When I officiated golf it was the same. Club Golf and Pro Golf are worlds apart and the same is true of football
I know GKs can wear hats but my stance is players can not wear hats so refs can't, they can't wear snoods so neither should we, they can wear gloves base layers, undershorts and skins so no problems with these for us.
I know GKs can wear hats but my stance is players can not wear hats so refs can't, they can't wear snoods so neither should we, they can wear gloves base layers, undershorts and skins so no problems with these for us.

Why is it Ok for a goalkeeper but not a referee? The game would in no way effected by the referee wearing a wooly hat or even a cap when it's severe heat.
Imo being told that wearing gloves when it's freezing cold is wrong is absolutely ridiculous. Perhaps guidelines on this should be issued to assessors as surely this isn't the current thinking from the top? Well, it can't be because we see the best officials in Europe wearing gloves.

There's a clear and genuine safety benefit to wearing gloves and hats when it's freezing cold and giving advice to the contrary of safety is just bizarre imo. The safety of the participants is the most important thing is it not? I'm a hardy soul and I very rarely wear gloves. But when it's really cold, my hands/fingers, broken and dislocated several times by 25 years keeping wicket get rather painful. The bits of metal I have in 2 fingers don't hep either! If I was told u couldn't wear gloves then I wouldn't referee in the cold because I don't enjoy it and it effects my hands for days afterwards. Maybe that why I have such strong views on the subject, or maybe it's because its archaic thinking to reduce comfort and safety for no reason whatsoever.
Don't disagree with you. All I'm saying is to cut assessors some slack. They are prone to mistakes and wrong views just like anyone else. Take what works for you. If you lose marks over something silly, there are ways to deal with it.
We really need a different set of rules for below say, step 7
When I officiated golf it was the same. Club Golf and Pro Golf are worlds apart and the same is true of football

Perhaps that is the answer. Seperate guidelines maybe? I know we currently have guidelines around the game being the most important thing etc and I've no problem with assessors highlighting that the wearing of gloves is prohibited in the higher league's and therefore you need to be aware of this now you're on the promotion journey etc if that was the case (although I'd obviously still thoroughly disagree if that was the case!). But clarity across the board for new refs, assessors and refs higher up would be preferable. Glove are fine and the wearing of them shall never be mentioned again the ideal!!
Don't disagree with you. All I'm saying is to cut assessors some slack. They are prone to mistakes and wrong views just like anyone else. Take what works for you. If you lose marks over something silly, there are ways to deal with it.

Completely agree. But with things like gloves, it should either be universally right or universally wrong and that must be communicated somehow.
Well, can't argue with gloves.

Someone in my county got pulled up for wearing a bobble hat at match, so I know hats are still out.

I'm sticking with the old tradition of vicks on the fingers and hoping its so cold that no one does any stupid challenges so I don't need to get the pen and paper out. :P
Well, can't argue with gloves.

Someone in my county got pulled up for wearing a bobble hat at match, so I know hats are still out.

I'm sticking with the old tradition of vicks on the fingers and hoping its so cold that no one does any stupid challenges so I don't need to get the pen and paper out. :P

Tried that after reading it on here. Worked great on one hand, the other was another story. It does look like something out of Worzel Gummidge though, fingers pointing everywhere!
In response to those having a pop at assessors, we're called observers now. Second point, at the lower levels of football the observers role used to be part observer/part coach. As referees move up the pyramid, the two roles take on very distinct characteristics as things happen which aren't against law, don't involve decisions but may impact on a future game. Observers are there to observe and report impact on that particular game. Coaches are there to observe and advise, often to protect against future issues.
In response to those having a pop at assessors, we're called observers now. Second point, at the lower levels of football the observers role used to be part observer/part coach. As referees move up the pyramid, the two roles take on very distinct characteristics as things happen which aren't against law, don't involve decisions but may impact on a future game. Observers are there to observe and report impact on that particular game. Coaches are there to observe and advise, often to protect against future issues.

For clarity, I have in no way had a pop at assessors. I disagree with the aforementioned assessment report received by a member on here where the wearing if gloves was out down as a negative and I disagree with with such views on gloves, hats etc. I'm firmly of the believe that the heath and safety of an official is more important than the notion that wearing gloves is wrong.

However, in no way have I had a pop, I just disagree and a forum such as this is for sharing opinions on such matters. I don't have a pop at assessors or referees of any level on here, everyone is doing there best at what are difficult jobs/hobbies and nobody is more mindful of that than myself.