Finding out assessment marks


New Member
Level 6 Referee
As we are coming to the end of the promotion scheme, do you get to find out assessment/club marks when results are posted? If so, is it an average or do you find out a mark for each assessment that you had?
A&H International
Unfortunately, below L4 you don't know you club marks at all. The marks are confidential for the CFA and Ref Sec, most league committee members are not eligible to see the club marks.

L4 & above gets a banding of their club / assessor marks (A - E).

Some CFA's gives the marks for assessment, but some don't. Under the new processes for 7-6 & 6-5, the marking will be removed from all assessments and you will receive a grading.
In our county league the club marks are given out around February time to those who are going for promotion. Haven't got a clue about assessments marks though
I've managed to find out my average club mark for this season up to yesterday, so I can use it for A level PE evidence. I'm now one happy ref after finding out!!
I would advise never to be concerned about your marks, whether from assessor so or clubs. Go out there and just referee to the best of your ability. Any problems will be highlighted by assessors. I have known too many referees who have been concerned about their marks, and they end up trying to referee to get a good mark from the clubs. That is a recipe for disaster.