First Game

Well the morning of my fifth match has arrived, pitch inspection is done, balls checked and now just waiting for the off.

It's a 4th division match between the 7th and 8th teams, hoping it will be a good one.

Feeling more confident this morning than I have for my previous games, hope it shows.
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A&H International
Well it went much better today, some protesting and low level whinging, but nothing to get upset over.

My mentor said I did well and only a couple of minor points to work on, although I missed an obvious hand ball, but the players body shielded the ball from me and as I didn't see it didn't feel confident to give it.

Got lots of "good game ref" after the match, which I'll take with a pinch of salt.

Also spoke to both captains at full time and the only points they raised were to use my whistle more and be more authorative on the pitch.

I need to sit down later for a proper self assessment later but I'm very happy with the way it went today.
Why? You'll know if it's sarky.

I think "good game ref" can be one of those comments which can be over used I.e. They say it because they think they have to, rather than because they mean it (if that makes sense) though in this case it did seem to be genuine.

My self assessment following this game:

  • Let the game flow
  • Kept up with the majority of play
  • Good positioning
  • Confident use of hand signals
  • Still need to work on my confidence when talking to players
  • Need to communicate my decisions, one example was a throw which is given but some players didn't know because they'd not seen my signal
  • Need to remember to indicate an indirect free kick from every offside (I forgot on a couple of occasions)
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[*]Need to communicate my decisions, one example was a throw which is given but some players didn't know because they'd not seen my signal
One way to avoid this is to shout the team colour at the same time as arm signal for debatable decisions "Green throw" is clear clean and confident.
Well my sixth game is done and dusted.

I felt it went very well, and I also issued my caution for a late challenge. I must have got it right as neither of the coaches, spectators or the rest of his team complained.

One thing that I've noticed I have a tendency to give "soft penalties". Always for challenges which would be a free kick anywhere else so I'm happy that I'm making the right call even if the players etc do t agree.
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I felt it went very well, and I also issued my caution for a late challenge. I must have got it right as neither of the coaches, spectators or the rest of his team complained.

If any of these do complain it doesn't mean you got it wrong though. It usually means they wish you hadn't.

Keep going pal, keep learning and improving and you'll be fine.
Good stuff mate. One bit of advice;

Stop relying on players and spectators for feedback on how you are doing. It's nice to hear positives from them, but there will come games when you do your job well but the feedback you receive will not be great. Some teams have a rose tinted pair of glasses for their own team!

Instead, get into the habit of reflecting on your games.

I am about to go out, does anyone have a link to the reflection, self assessment tool?
Thanks for all the advise and support guys.
I passed my written test earlier in the week, so I am now (or will be when I get my certificate etc from The FA) a level 7.
I still have lots to learn, and I'm currently looking into other things I can do to help improve my referreeing.

Sadly, I had to pull out of my game this morning due to illness, so aside from feeling like crap I also feel like I've let people down.
Sadly, I had to pull out of my game this morning due to illness, so aside from feeling like crap I also feel like I've let people down.
Sorry to hear you are feeling poorly, but its good that you feel you've let people down. By that, I mean if it gets to the point where you don't care that you've pulled out of a match, that's the day to give up the cards. Get well soon, and be ready for the next game!
Thanks for all the advise and support guys.
I passed my written test earlier in the week, so I am now (or will be when I get my certificate etc from The FA) a level 7.
I still have lots to learn, and I'm currently looking into other things I can do to help improve my referreeing.

Sadly, I had to pull out of my game this morning due to illness, so aside from feeling like crap I also feel like I've let people down.
Never referee while ill or injured, it's not worth it
Thanks for all the advise and support guys.
I passed my written test earlier in the week, so I am now (or will be when I get my certificate etc from The FA) a level 7.
I still have lots to learn, and I'm currently looking into other things I can do to help improve my referreeing.

And thankYOU as well mate. I've enjoyed reading through this thread and seeing how you've risen to the challenge facing all new referees in spite of having your confidence knocked and having to deal with self doubt.
Welcome to the club mate - I hope you have a long and enjoyable refereeing "career". Oh, and bloody well done. :)
And thankYOU as well mate. I've enjoyed reading through this thread and seeing how you've risen to the challenge facing all new referees in spite of having your confidence knocked and having to deal with self doubt.
Welcome to the club mate - I hope you have a long and enjoyable refereeing "career". Oh, and bloody well done. :)

Thanks, I didn't find the test that difficult, I only dropped two points for some stupid mistakes on restart of play questions, so I will be getting my head into The LOTG regularly.

I'll admit I have struggled at times, which frustrated me as I've done things which are much more difficult and intimidating than trying to control 22 hung over blokes on a Sunday morning. But, I have noticed my performance is improving slightly in every match I do, and I've got some good support for when things don't go that well i.e. here and my local branch of the RA.

I'm now planning my short and mid term goals in terms of refereeing, I may try and go for promotion next year, but will see how I feel when the time comes, although even if I tried and failed first time around getting assessed will help me improve further. I'm also going to get intouch with my RDO for information about the county development group, I'll be a year over the ideal age range if I go for promotion next year, but shy kids don't get sweets.