Football parents in Surrey eh?

A&H International
Its the "win at all costs" attitude rather than allowing the kids to enjoy.
Perhaps the solution is make the guilty parent do the refereeing course and then send them out to do a few matches.
Punishment = the crime, which is the correct level of justice. :devil:
Nothing surprises me anymore, there is a general decline in levels of respect in society as a whole these days and football seems to bring the worst out in people. Some people don't know the meaning of the word respect! :mad:

Seen and heard a lot of garbage from coaches and parents during my time as a parent of a footy loving son and as a referee, some of which has been directed at me and some of it at the players. Fortunately none of it (so far) has resulted in physical violence.

The club my son used to play for had very much a win at all costs mentality, both from the coaches and the parents, even during pre-season friendlies and training. During his time there, the club's then u13s side were involved in a match which turned violent off the pitch over a penalty decision and made headlines in the local press. Police were called, resulting in a court case and a member of the away team coaching staff pleading guilty to GBH and receiving a suspended sentence!
I have had a few run-ins with gobby parents and thankfully managed the situations. I have a go at the team managers in a loud and authoritative voice to control their parents, making sure the parents hear me as well. I get dirty looks afterwards but dirty looks I can deal with.
Makes me glad I don't do youth football (or live in Surrey by the sound of it).

At least adults you can politely tell them to shut up and get on with it without their parents getting involved too.
I have done youth games in Surrey.
I have never seen anything in this scale, but I don't do the kids any more due to their MOTD attitude.