Liv v Porto


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
Ref already striking me as very unconventional in this one - letting a lot go, then on occasions when players have disputed the no call, he keeps wandering off out of position to try and calm them down while the game is still going on!
A&H International
At one point Mateu Justin stopped by the 18 yd box and started chatting to an injured player while the ball was in play! I remember him for the city v Liverpool UCL game last year for his vigorous hand movements. Best yet hand movements than mike dean!
Ah, Mateu. If you've ever seen 'El día después' on youtube, Lahoz is sort of a celebrity referee, like a Spanish Mike Dean (with a FIFA badge).

He's like five levels above Dean when it comes to "celebrity referee" who always seems to find himself as the center of attention.
At one point Mateu Justin stopped by the 18 yd box and started chatting to an injured player while the ball was in play! I remember him for the city v Liverpool UCL game last year for his vigorous hand movements. Best yet hand movements than mike dean!
Yeah, that's the one I noticed. The ball was with the Liverpool right back and the ref was level with him, facing the Liverpool GK with the RB to his left, the GK and the down Porto player in front of him, and the other 19 players behind his back!
I liked his performance and style. Plenty more room for eccentricity IMHO.

Though the back to play moment and guessing Milner’s non handball on half way were both unecessary mistakes at this level.
What do we think of Alexander-Arnold's handball (considering what was given against Spurs) and Salah's challenge?
What do we think of Alexander-Arnold's handball (considering what was given against Spurs) and Salah's challenge?
TAA handball I'm not giving for a second. It's played into him from very close and his arms are low and into his body. I actually think it's one of the few examples that's even less likely to be given next season: it was going out for a corner if it hadn't hit his arm, and as a result of hitting his arm, it went out for a corner. Therefore, he gained no advantage, which I understand will be a consideration under the rewrite?

I'm surprised a bigger deal wasn't made of the Salah challenge. Although I think red would have been harsh, there was certainly enough there to justify asking the ref to head for a monitor and have a look. I missed it completely in real time and then I'm fairly sure we were only shown slow-motion replays, which is always going to make it look worse - assuming the proper protocol was followed, I wouldn't have been surprised to see a "VAR possible red card" review, that then resulted in a yellow card.
I'm surprised a bigger deal wasn't made of the Salah challenge. Although I think red would have been harsh, there was certainly enough there to justify asking the ref to head for a monitor and have a look. I missed it completely in real time and then I'm fairly sure we were only shown slow-motion replays, which is always going to make it look worse - assuming the proper protocol was followed, I wouldn't have been surprised to see a "VAR possible red card" review, that then resulted in a yellow card.

The underlined posts show a complete misunderstanding of VAR. It was probably an "orange" tackle and therefore not a clear and obvious error. So the VAR would have been wrong to ask the ref to come look at it.
But orange means red, no?

I thought VAR would give the TAA handball. His arm was up in a defensive instinctive move. However, I think it was unexpected ball as Allison’s punch was a miscue and had a weird trajectory and came quick. My guess is the unexpected ball clause saved him.
The underlined posts show a complete misunderstanding of VAR. It was probably an "orange" tackle and therefore not a clear and obvious error. So the VAR would have been wrong to ask the ref to come look at it.
I think you have a fair-ish point regarding the first underlined bit, but it was clearly missed completely at the time, with the broadcasters only spotting it a few minutes later, and no sign of a delay from the officials to allow for a check at the time. Given the ref missed it, and it's clear studs to shin contact, I maintain that had the VAR spotted it in time, a review would have been justified and consistent with how VAR has been used in the CL (which we all know frequently ignores the "Clear and Obvious" criteria in reality).

The second underlined bit is totally unfair to highlight as me being wrong. Although a review can only be initiated for a possible red card, it is 100% permissible for the ref to review for this reason and then and decide it's only worth a yellow. Although it's difficult to tell given that I don't remember seeing replays in full speed, I think that's the conclusion they would have probably come to if it had been reviewed. Particularly given the ref didn't seem very interested in giving fouls last night, let alone cards!
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