Liverpool Red


Well-Known Member
Do you think it was a red for VC? I think that the glance he gave just before he put his hand out May have made it look intentional.
A&H International
Funnily enough I had this debate at work today with two guys who were at the game.

IMHO definitely. They said 'oh but he didn't touch him'.

Strikes or attempts to strike, and the glance for me proved the intention. Clear red for me.
Agree with @RegalRef here. The offence is strikes or attempts to strike. The fact that the player looks for the opponent and then takes a swipe at him, even the most minimal contact would be enough for me for a dismissal.
Brendan Rodgers said we'd be sending off2-3 a match if that's a red.
I'd love for him to tell me what minute the other 1-2 similar incidents were.
Def red. And, though irrelevant, contact was 100% made
Managers talk nonsense which aims to deflect blame from themselves and their teams. All the media training they get. It's made interviews very, very boring and predictable.

Was it a hand off gone wrong ?

Was it deliberate ...yes , was it in the face ...yes

Was it a Red ..yes ,was it a soft one ,yes
I didn't think it was a red, although he looked at player and then arm went out it looked to me if it was for his balance as he was moving at pace
Cheers mate

Crikey that really is a tough one.
I would probably go red on the basis he has deliberately attempted to swing his arm back. I think it looks better than it is because the player on the receiving end is just far enough away not to make full contact otherwise it would have looked much nastier and clear cut
Has to be red!

Watch the clip, he checks where he is before the arm action. He was intent on landing it.
I remember when Nani got sent off a few season back for Utd in the Champs League and Roy Keane made a very decent point. A red might be soft, but dont put yourself in a situation where the referee has to make a decision. If you give him a chance to whip out the red, then dont be shocked if he does. I think this is certainly one of these incidents.
He had 2 looks to see where the player was before throwing the arm out.

Any referee who believes that isn't a red really needs to hang their whistle up.....
We are taught that if he used his arm as a weapon, it's a red. If he uses his arm as a tool to gain an advantage, it's yellow.

I can understand why some are giving red, personally though I'd be giving a yellow for USB
We are taught that if he used his arm as a weapon, it's a red. If he uses his arm as a tool to gain an advantage, it's yellow.

I can understand why some are giving red, personally though I'd be giving a yellow for USB
Who teaches that micky? I teach strikes or attempts to strike is an offence. The speed of his arm movement and the checking of the opponent's position before swiping out at him, upgrades it from simply careless/reckless to using excessive force.
On the subject of the hand off ! the great Gazza made a career out of it ,probably his best asset ?
We are taught that if he used his arm as a weapon, it's a red. If he uses his arm as a tool to gain an advantage, it's yellow.

I can understand why some are giving red, personally though I'd be giving a yellow for USB
Same here, but how do you discern between the two is something I've wondered