Man City v Shaktar Donetsk

Some referees on the PL don’t like assistance from the assistants! I went to a game where the now head of PGMOL was refereeing, and was directly behind the AR when there was a blatant foul 5 yards in front of him. He flagged for credibility, at which Mr R shouted at him from 30 yards away to “put that bloody flag down!”
He’s not the only one I’ve seen do this, but this was the most obviously wrong over rule I’ve seen.

Seems like it’s ball in and out only for some at this level!

There is a well used phrase at top level, which might help understand the above, its, "talk fast, flag slow"
It mght well be that the ref on this occasion saw the foul but opted not to award anything, which as perverse as it sounds, is his perogitive to do so
Assumimg of course they had comms back in the day.
Even without, it could be the AR never looked at the refs position or body language before flagging, and again, we can preach team work all we like but its a hard fast stubborn fact that the only person who matters out there, is the ref.
A&H International
I'm lost. Is somebody actually trying to claim the AR shouldn't intervene?

Yes of course they should
BUT its easy for us watching at home.
Unless you have been there, its impossible to understand the pressure involved in, you, as AR, considering advising your countries top man that he has made a mistake, on his diagonal, in the Champ League, with observers and delegates everywhere, 40k home fans, and of course having that one real time look at it
99 out of 100 on this occassion would leave the referee to it. Self preservation comes into play too, this incident is a referee call and he will carry the can, for better or for worse. No AR is going to hang themselves out to dry on this one.

The mind can play tricks on you, you see it, you dont think its a pen, but the ref has called it so it must be
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Ref gives a penalty = AR never contests it (rare exceptions in Scotland)
AR gives a penalty = Ref usually won't contest it assuming the AR is working to pre-match instruction (a level of certainty, better view etc)
Even when working with CARs (assuming they're competent [some are, believe it or not]), it's a pet hate of mine when i contradict their flag (ball in/out)
This approach has always been one of the leading causes of aviation disasters, subordinates blindly submissive to their captain as the plane hurtles towards the ocean. However, ****pit Resource Management doesn't cause all the passengers to pile into the ****pit with a load of abuse when the pilots question one another! Conversely, on the FOP, any dispute between the officials is likely to cause a mutiny. The players are more likely to accept a unified wrong decision, than any split-decision
There's no right way of doing it or everyone would do it that way imo. I suppose if you take the fact that when humans are involved then human error is prevalent, the more people involved the more prevalent the human error so by keeping it to one person you're reducing the risk. That's why I like no CARs.

Of course, I've only AR'd at supply level in front of 50 people so no real pressure at all. I'm of the firm opinion that unless you've been in any situation you can never truly appreciate it so the guys on here who've done pro football are the guys to listen to.
That's a process design problem. The ones in front pickup/drop off more passengers allowing the ones behind to catch up. Back to topic at hand now.
I knew Murphy's Law was all in the head! How do you explain the 'butter side down' thing?
There is a well used phrase at top level, which might help understand the above, its, "talk fast, flag slow"
It mght well be that the ref on this occasion saw the foul but opted not to award anything, which as perverse as it sounds, is his perogitive to do so
Assumimg of course they had comms back in the day.
Even without, it could be the AR never looked at the refs position or body language before flagging, and again, we can preach team work all we like but its a hard fast stubborn fact that the only person who matters out there, is the ref.
Perhaps he should have said “of course it’s an f word foul!” Then he might have realised he was serious and given the free kick!

I realise it’s the referee’s decision, but it was a hard foul from behind. Most referees would have cautioned. He didn’t even give the foul, and threw his Assistant under one of your buses!
A mate was on the line to the same referee. There was a blatant foul in the penalty area which everyone in the ground saw, including both ARs and the assessor but not the referee, but he couldn’t put his flag up because in the pre-match he was told not to give anything in the box!
The AR was too quick with the flag, but he was right with the decision, and the referee’s position didn’t matter - he didn’t want anything from his Linos.
I knew Murphy's Law was all in the head! How do you explain the 'butter side down' thing?
I'll give it a shot.
It's a combination of laws of gravity, friction and rotation (laws 3, 5 and 14 :) ). Gravity obviously takes the whole thing down. More friction forces the non butter side to go to the back of the direction of movement. And centre of gravity being closer to the butter side when rotating makes that side 'spend more time at the front of the movement (like a throw spinning tomahawk).

That and Murphy's Law.
I thought Murphys Law recently included a new line to include some City supporters... the world revolves around them and the sun shines out of Peps ar4e... 🤪
I'll give it a shot
I thought you might!
It's a combination of laws of gravity, friction and rotation (laws 3, 5 and 14 :) ). Gravity obviously takes the whole thing down. More friction forces the non butter side to go to the back of the direction of movement. And centre of gravity being closer to the butter side when rotating makes that side 'spend more time at the front of the movement (like a throw spinning tomahawk).
Stick to watching buses. It's merely cos butter side down, goes 'splat'
Anyway, we can't be jolly good referees if we don't occasionally digress to understand the bigger picture!
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