Mane onside?

Big Cat

RefChat Addict
Level 4 Referee
Just caught a replay of this disallowed goal. Technically an interesting one. The replay was focused on whether Mane was level with his teammate, but i thought that was irrelevant because Mane was behind the ball
A&H International
AR stayed level with 2nd last defender so wasn't in a good position to see that. At first sight I thought Mane might have been judged interfering on the original part, and was maybe in the GK's decision-making mind, but he did nothing to fit the interfering criteria.
AR stayed level with 2nd last defender so wasn't in a good position to see that. At first sight I thought Mane might have been judged interfering on the original part, and was maybe in the GK's decision-making mind, but he did nothing to fit the interfering criteria.
That was my initial reaction, too. Just think the AR had a brain fart moment and got it wrong. It happens.
Yeah, it's clear from the timing of the flag that it wasn't given for being offside on the initial pass and interfering (which I could just about understand), but rather for the tap-in, where the AR is in completely the wrong position. It's a shocking decision really - he completely switched off, then gave the offside on a guess.