Montenegro vs Serbia

I would like to hear some opinions on this one...
1st goal scored by Serbia just after no.2's blatant dive and seconds later pulls another opponent down.

I would be mortified rewatching this if I was in the middle; at grassroots level or going for L4, imagine club's marks or the assessor's.

Unless I'm wrong and there is nothing to give there in both instances...
A&H International
tough one this, I reckon there's contact and/or justification for fouls in both instances but the nature of the falls both suggest exaggeration and by not giving the first he almost can't give the second (even though this would be a classic 'safe' free kick to give), because they look so similar and are in such quick succession

(bit of a waffly response...)
So you reckon is a foul on no. 2 and he exaggerates the contact; in that case free kick would be expected for reds or booking for simulation, if no contact...
i reckon there's contact which could be enough for a foul, but not enough for him to go to ground as he does

I'm happy enough with no foul
i reckon there's contact which could be enough for a foul, but not enough for him to go to ground as he does

I'm happy enough with no foul
Well, in that case should have been defensive free kick and booking for Red 2, no? Just trying to get my head around this scenario...
Well, in that case should have been defensive free kick and booking for Red 2, no? Just trying to get my head around this scenario...
Not necessarily. Players often imagine a dichotomy: "Well if that's not a foul than he should be booked for diving". But in reality, there's a third option, which is the player was just knocked over by normal footballing contact, which is clearly what the referee has judged here.

I'm not sure I agree and certainly think I would have given the safe defensive FK for the clearer second incident in the build-up. But the official isn't "wrong" in law to not stop play one way or the other for the first incident, he's just made a different subjective decision.
Agree with your view. Especially with the defensive free kick; the only problem is nothing was given defensively and that led to a goal being scored...
We'd have more chance identifying 'true foul play' in WWF
I'm in a minority of one. I don't stand for it. No warnings, just straight in the book the moment I detect clear acts of cheating
One of the worst bits of advice I've ever heard came from Kevin Friend at an RA meeting when he warned us to avoid cautioning for simulation in grass roots football. I mean, what sort of message is that? In my experience, it earns respect. You can see players thinking, 'f*$k me, someone is actively refereeing the game'
The potential foul on white 2 is irrelevant unless you are cautioning him for dissent. I can't really see any contact, but that's after multiple replays and real time I don't think I'd be confident enough that it was simulation.

For the potential foul by the 2, there's no doubt he grabs the opponent but the level of contact absolutely does not cause the fall by the red 7. If you are being held you get pulled backwards, it doesn't cause a fall forward like that. So I'm perfectly happy with the goal.
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I'd say foul 1 minimum contact and the way he arches his body like salmon and falls to the floor is in my mind a yellow for simulation. Falling like that, even when there is contact involved is not natural and is 100% simulation IMO.
Foul two, both of them are grabbing at each other, just one of them decides to go to the ground when he has a chance at the ball.
IMO the error here is not blowing for simulation.
Arguably could have also blown for the 1st foul if he heard or seen something we didn't.