Odd things you find on a football pitch - Part One

Simon Haydon

New Member
Level 6 Referee
Two minutes into the game a player hands me something and says, "Don't really want to stand on this."
I look down at the bronze coloured metal object. It's a bullet. A live bullet at that. And not any old little bullet either. it's about two inches long. Looks more like a rifle bullet, but I'm no expert.
I put it in my pocket, but immediately thought better of that little plan. "What if it goes off?"
So I hand it to the home manager. He's not much more enthusiastic about holding on to it, but agrees.
Whatever next?
A&H International
No real chance of it "going off" unless you manage to strike the centre base fairly sharply with something solid. ;)

It sounds to me like a centre fire round used by some local pest controller/shooter which has fallen ouf of his pocket or been ejected from his rifle (probably in the dark so he couldn't be arsed to look for it). Was it a fairly rural location this pitch? Would it be likely to have rabbits or fox running around it at night? :)
Thanks Kes. Oh yes, rabbit droppings everywhere and even evidence (feathers everywhere) of a hunting fox!

Thought so. ;)
Had you said the pitch was slap bang in the middle of an industrial or housing estate, I'd have been tempted to suggest that the round may have been connected with a potential crime and thus should have been handed into the old bill. :)
Remains of a fire that was still hot too touch.

Took numerous buckets of water for area to be safe enough to start the match!
This has reminded me. Half a rabbit - buried. A fox had clearly stored away Mr Bunny for a snack later and buried half of it in the centre circle.
nothing unusual as a ref, but as a player i remember going to one ground to find a burnt out car on the pitch, and another time at the very same ground we entered the changing rooms and there was a dead tramp ...
first game, abandoned, second one went ahead
Dead frog on one occasion, and a referees county FA badge on another! Unfortunately, this was back in Surrey about 2 weeks before I was due to move county, so wasn't much use to me.
Dead frog on one occasion, and a referees county FA badge on another! Unfortunately, this was back in Surrey about 2 weeks before I was due to move county, so wasn't much use to me.
badge ripped off in anger by a player , i can see the drama now.... more likely shoddy sewing by the mrs ! :)