Ok... Some may think me a jerk

Hoosier Ref

Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
I dont do too many small sided youth games but covered 3 games this weekend in our state's championship tournament.

Here is the scenario. 9v9 game u11's. Pretty non-eventful game. White clearly better than blue. White up 2-0 at half but very dominant. Blue player undercuts a white player who was going up for header and white player falls on him. Blue player injured but foul is on blue. Blue player cannot continue and blue has no subs, plays short for remainder. 5-0 white with one minute left to go. Blue trying to get a goal. Loose ball just outside top left corner of White's PA. Blue 7 is big kid about 20 lbs heavier than most. White wins ball and clears it out. Blue 7 and white players had all been frantically attempting to win ball but no pushing and nobody went down. White cleats the ball across to the other side of the field and about 10 yards upfield. Play is over right????? Nope... I am in the middle of the field and about 10 yards outside the PA between where white won the ball and where the ball has gone. The play at the PA had been clearly over when Blue 7 turns away from play and the ball toward the white defender and kicks him across both shins (does not knock him down). I would describe it as moderate force but clearly a frustration anger thing. I blow the whistle and run to the two kids. Blue 7 is attempting to walk away. I call him over, ask his name, Inform him the "we wont be kicking people today" and issue a RC for VC. Both AR's and both coaches missed it as the play had moved across the field and 10-20 yards upfield when it happened.

I know how it is... people including other referees, administrators, etc tend to judge based solely on the age and the discipline. I know that it got around soccer circles quickly that I sent off a u11 but how do you not??? When I talked to the kid, I really hate to send off a u11 but It is clearly VC and there is no choice in my opinion. I may be branded a jerk but that is not to be tolerated at any age in my opinion.
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A&H International
I’d have no issue sending an 11yr old off & I guess to the letter of the law you are correct, the only thing I would add is how hard did he kick him? was the kid injured from the kick?, the game was almost over, it’s u11’s he’s frustrated at being 5-0 down, I mean none of the above are excuses just factors that you could maybe take into account.

Personally it’s hard to say what I would have done without being there, from what you say I’d maybe try and book the lad & get him substituted just to make a point that what he did was wrong, but like I say it’s a tricky one as you have a game to referee & laws to apply but they’re only 11yrs old.

You gave what you saw and it felt right he won’t kick someone next game that’s for sure so you’ve done the right thing in my book you’ve stopped a youngster from growing into a thug on a football pitch.
I dont do too many small sided youth games but covered 3 games this weekend in our state's championship tournament.

Here is the scenario. 9v9 game u11's. Pretty non-eventful game. White clearly better than blue. White up 2-0 at half but very dominant. Blue player undercuts a white player who was going up for header and white player falls on him. Blue player injured but foul is on blue. Blue player cannot continue and blue has no subs, plays short for remainder. 5-0 white with one minute left to go. Blue trying to get a goal. Loose ball just outside top left corner of White's PA. Blue 7 is big kid about 20 lbs heavier than most. White wins ball and clears it out. Blue 7 and white players had all been frantically attempting to win ball but no pushing and nobody went down. White cleats the ball across to the other side of the field and about 10 yards upfield. Play is over right????? Nope... I am in the middle of the field and about 10 yards outside the PA between where white won the ball and where the ball has gone. The play at the PA had been clearly over when Blue 7 turns away from play and the ball toward the white defender and kicks him across both shins (does not knock him down). I would describe it as moderate force but clearly a frustration anger thing. I blow the whistle and run to the two kids. Blue 7 is attempting to walk away. I call him over, ask his name, I form him the "we wont be kicking people today" and issue a RV for VC. Both AR's and both coaches missed it as the play had moved across the field and 10-20 yards upfield when it happened.

I know how it is... people including other referees, administrators, etc tend to judge based solely on the age and the discipline. I know that it got around socxer circles quickly that I sent off a u11 but how do you not??? When I talked to the kid, I really hate to send off a u11 but It is clearly VC and there is no choice in my opinion. I may be branded a jerk but that is not to be tolerated at any age in my opinion.
In the opinion... if you think it's VC then it's VC!

Context then... were there lots of other matches at the same venue, what is the vibe of this tournament? I only ask because I have done a couple of tournaments for e.g. hobby league adults where the expectation is that it is fun and the ref should perhaps not be pedantic... but then I've also done super serious youth tournaments where the best kids have traveled the length of the country and expect the full treatment!
In the opinion... if you think it's VC then it's VC!

Context then... were there lots of other matches at the same venue, what is the vibe of this tournament? I only ask because I have done a couple of tournaments for e.g. hobby league adults where the expectation is that it is fun and the ref should perhaps not be pedantic... but then I've also done super serious youth tournaments where the best kids have traveled the length of the country and expect the full treatment!
This is more intense than normal tournaments and the older groups produce a state champion that moves to the regional competition which subsequently sends regional champions to the national tournament. The u11 and u12 dont have regionals so this is the biggest competition of the year. There were numerous matches all weekend in this tourney at this venue. It was really disappointing as it was a good game with minimal issues. Both coaches were great and the spectators were only moderately vocal at the end. This kids kick was not a devastating kick but it was far from a knick or tap. It was definitely an attempt to injure the other player
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If they are old enough to do bad things on the FOP then they are old enough to understand that their are consequences too. That’s the same at home and school as well, why should there be differences?
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Anybody who thinks you shouldn't be showing a red card to an U/11 player 1) has no right refereeing that age and 2) has no right commentating on it!
I refereed U/11s at a national futsal tournament - that age group had a stack of red cards - and the behaviour from some was shocking!

In the opinion... if you think it's VC then it's VC!

Context then... were there lots of other matches at the same venue, what is the vibe of this tournament? I only ask because I have done a couple of tournaments for e.g. hobby league adults where the expectation is that it is fun and the ref should perhaps not be pedantic... but then I've also done super serious youth tournaments where the best kids have traveled the length of the country and expect the full treatment!
Dealing with VC appropriately is pedantry now? :rolleyes:
I only ask because I have done a couple of tournaments for e.g. hobby league adults where the expectation is that it is fun and the ref should perhaps not be pedantic...

It's not being pedantic; it's violent conduct. Oh, and getting kicked in the shins when the ball isn't even there doesn't sound much like fun to me.
I do think there is scope to for tolerance at younger age groups. However, violent conduct crosses the line and deserves a dismissal.