Ladies One of those games...


RefChat Addict
I had one of those games yesterday, it's was a relatively physics match, but with the away team trying every trick in the book.

The first half went off without a hitch, but the second half the away team ramped up the attitude, and I let myself down.

Overall I'm happy with the majority of the game and how I handled it, I missed a late challenge (didn't replay the trailing eye), and I should have got the yellow out for dissent earlier than I did.

The away team keeper went down with a head injury, allegedly, after a goal mouth scramble, and I feel I had the perfect view. The away team were claiming a kick in the head, but unless the opposition have an invisible player I'm not sure how that happened.

Either way, it did make me doubt myself a bit at the time, but after some reflection I believe that I didn't miss anything significant.

The strangest thing was the caution for dissent was because I awarded a dropped ball. 2 home players tackled each other, nothing serious, just knocked the wind out of them, I let play go on, I managed to miss an alleged late tackle and the third home player was in serious clip so I stopped play and waved the coach/physio on.

As if not seen any offences I started play with a dropped ball, and the away skipper went off on one about ho I was giving the ball to the home side when the away team had possession when I stopped play.

I tried to explain that it wasn't a free kick, it was a dropped ball and that they were free to contest it if they wanted to, but she kept on going and went in the book.

The game ended with 17 minutes injury time, mainly due to the injury to the keeper. As I wasn't taking any risks with a head injury.

After a night to sleep on it and assess my performance, I think that the first half lulled me into a false sense of security, and that killing the game for 10 minutes, at least, would have helped.

I felt my positioning was ok, but my lack of trailing eye may have let me down a touch, and I think I allowed the away team to get in my ear a bit, which I should have dealt with much much sooner than I did.

I finished last season on a run of good games, and I started this season with some good games as well, but onwards and upwards.

My goals for improvement for next week are:

1. Work on my angles to catch any "afters" etc
2. Go back to no-nonsense Zarathustra. While I don't think I've ever been "card happy", I was stricter last season, which helped with control as I let players know where my line is early on, without being too strict and making my life harder later on (if that makes sense)

A longer term goal is to work on my fitness, I've put a bit of weight on recently through illness and stress of moving house, and soon to be starting a new job, but I've packed in the cigarettes, and will be hitting the gym or running 5 times a week.

Anyway, that's pretty much it, also have my first 6-5 observation at the end of the month.
A&H International
I had one of those games yesterday, it's was a relatively physics match, but with the away team trying every trick in the book.

The first half went off without a hitch, but the second half the away team ramped up the attitude, and I let myself down.

Overall I'm happy with the majority of the game and how I handled it, I missed a late challenge (didn't replay the trailing eye), and I should have got the yellow out for dissent earlier than I did.

The away team keeper went down with a head injury, allegedly, after a goal mouth scramble, and I feel I had the perfect view. The away team were claiming a kick in the head, but unless the opposition have an invisible player I'm not sure how that happened.

Either way, it did make me doubt myself a bit at the time, but after some reflection I believe that I didn't miss anything significant.

The strangest thing was the caution for dissent was because I awarded a dropped ball. 2 home players tackled each other, nothing serious, just knocked the wind out of them, I let play go on, I managed to miss an alleged late tackle and the third home player was in serious clip so I stopped play and waved the coach/physio on.

As if not seen any offences I started play with a dropped ball, and the away skipper went off on one about ho I was giving the ball to the home side when the away team had possession when I stopped play.

I tried to explain that it wasn't a free kick, it was a dropped ball and that they were free to contest it if they wanted to, but she kept on going and went in the book.

The game ended with 17 minutes injury time, mainly due to the injury to the keeper. As I wasn't taking any risks with a head injury.

After a night to sleep on it and assess my performance, I think that the first half lulled me into a false sense of security, and that killing the game for 10 minutes, at least, would have helped.

I felt my positioning was ok, but my lack of trailing eye may have let me down a touch, and I think I allowed the away team to get in my ear a bit, which I should have dealt with much much sooner than I did.

I finished last season on a run of good games, and I started this season with some good games as well, but onwards and upwards.

My goals for improvement for next week are:

1. Work on my angles to catch any "afters" etc
2. Go back to no-nonsense Zarathustra. While I don't think I've ever been "card happy", I was stricter last season, which helped with control as I let players know where my line is early on, without being too strict and making my life harder later on (if that makes sense)

A longer term goal is to work on my fitness, I've put a bit of weight on recently through illness and stress of moving house, and soon to be starting a new job, but I've packed in the cigarettes, and will be hitting the gym or running 5 times a week.

Anyway, that's pretty much it, also have my first 6-5 observation at the end of the month.

As long as you approached it in a scientific manner........and didn't let the gravity of the situation get to you........
@Padfoot in sense of humour shocker ;).

Very good self analysis Zara. Well done for packing in the ciggys. I have been smoke free for 2.5 years now. It's not easy but stick at it you really will see a benefit.

On the dissent one - I have always thought in my head I "managed" dissent well by talking to players whilst being accepting that i had a high tolerance level. Since getting my level 4 I have learnt how very quickly a yellow card kills it. Last week I let a player go on a bit longer than i should have. Eventually I cautioned him. And I never heard from him again.

This week I went to the card a lot quicker and never heard from the lad again. I did warn him 1st. So I think getting stricter will certainly help and is a very good point.
As long as you approached it in a scientific manner........and didn't let the gravity of the situation get to you........
The frequency of your physics jokes hertz...
@Padfoot in sense of humour shocker ;).

Very good self analysis Zara. Well done for packing in the ciggys. I have been smoke free for 2.5 years now. It's not easy but stick at it you really will see a benefit.

On the dissent one - I have always thought in my head I "managed" dissent well by talking to players whilst being accepting that i had a high tolerance level. Since getting my level 4 I have learnt how very quickly a yellow card kills it. Last week I let a player go on a bit longer than i should have. Eventually I cautioned him. And I never heard from him again.

This week I went to the card a lot quicker and never heard from the lad again. I did warn him 1st. So I think getting stricter will certainly help and is a very good point.

Thanks, my fitness is bad per se, I'm still one of the fitest people on the pitch in any game I referee, which admittedly isn't difficult at grass roots, but I figure that the fitter I can be then the easier it will be to be in the right place with a clear head to make decisions.

I think I just allowed the away team to get in my head a bit, which, everything was a push in the back, every tackle was "late" etc. When in reality it was them doing all the pushing and late challenges.

This was also the first match I've done where the home coach insisted on calling me sir the whole time, never argued a decision, thanked me for playing an advantage (even though they didn't score from it) etc.

While he was a genuinely nice guy when talking with him after the match, I suspect this is also a bit of mind games, trying to get on my good side, but it's refreshing not to get screamed at all the time.
While he was a genuinely nice guy when talking with him after the match, I suspect this is also a bit of mind games, trying to get on my good side, but it's refreshing not to get screamed at all the time.
Ha! There's some kind of logical progression isn't there:
First match with the same coach: you are inconsequential
Second match: you are hated (they lost)
Third match: you are slow, stupid (they remember losing time)
Fourth match: you are "sir", begrudging brown-nosing respect, they've realised you have nothing to do the result, run more the players and really do take every decision as it comes!
...and then depending on the result in #4, probably back to #2!
Zarathustra your self reflection on your games will make you improve as a referee am sure

Might help, might not, but, you say the first half went well then so on .....

Again, its clearly not always true, but, if I come in at half time and things have went well, I say to myself "that was the easy half, got the harder half to come"

It removes any complacency from my game and means am tuned in and ready to go for half 2.

In example form, a semi pro national semi final I did years ago, which was billed as tasty affair, first half, nothing, working well with players, not a hint of bother, second half, five mins in "maybe" sanction tackle comes in, bit late, guys first dodgy tackle and if reflecting on my first half performance of things going well, a warning would have done, however, a warning would have been a risk, so, YC came out, a message "anyone else tackles like that and they will get the same punishment".
Killed it, yet looking back, had I went for the warning, (obv nobody knows for sure) but my second half could have been very much more difficult.