Open Goal and The Bird

Oh ******** to that. Why would you send a bloke off for swearing at another player? It's unsporting - the very definition of it - nothing more
A&H International
Oh ******** to that. Why would you send a bloke off for swearing at another player? It's unsporting - the very definition of it - nothing more
I like your world. I've got another 7 days before I put my clock forward.

I also suggest you have a lot more learning available to your than Declan. I would like to assess one of your games.
I have to say my gut is telling me that I wouldn't bin him for sticking two fingers up at an opponent, that seems ridiculously soft to me. Free kick and booking yes but not red for me.

Maybe this is the society issue that has been discussed, also given that the environment I work in where calling someone "a dirty pedo w****r" is a term of endearment. But seriously if I was giving reds for that then I be giving reds left right and centre. When a bad tackle goes in and player screams back at the guy in response fing this or that, do we all red card that guy? No we don't because he's just been smashed by an opponent. It's hard to say it on here but I guess it boils down to the context it is used in for me.
That's fine just my opinion, i still think it's hard to be black or white about this subject on a forum as it's impossible to convey things in text properly.

To try and explain it differently I will use some examples:

Example 1: blue player receives a late reckless tackle from red player and as he stand up says to loudly "what was that you fing d**k". He would be told to shut up and let me deal with it or booked for AA if he was particularly voiciforious about it.

Example 2: two players tussling in the box, one says "get off me you t**t" whilst other guy is grabbing, player drops hand and says "f off you idiot I'm not doing anything". I would blow whistle want them both to stop the handbags and get on with the game, if they carry on both are booked.

Example 3: blue player runs over after his friend has been hit with a reckless challenge and loudly shouts in the face of the guy who did the tackle "you do that again you fing c**t and i will rip your fing head off", simple reaction of a straight red.
That's fine just my opinion, i still think it's hard to be black or white about this subject on a forum as it's impossible to convey things in text properly.

To try and explain it differently I will use some examples:

Example 1: blue player receives a late reckless tackle from red player and as he stand up says to loudly "what was that you fing d**k". He would be told to shut up and let me deal with it or booked for AA if he was particularly voiciforious about it.

Example 2: two players tussling in the box, one says "get off me you t**t" whilst other guy is grabbing, player drops hand and says "f off you idiot I'm not doing anything". I would blow whistle want them both to stop the handbags and get on with the game, if they carry on both are booked.

Example 3: blue player runs over after his friend has been hit with a reckless challenge and loudly shouts in the face of the guy who did the tackle "you do that again you fing c**t and i will rip your fing head off", simple reaction of a straight red.
Very true @matty639

Example 1 - agree
Example 2 - possibly think about cautioning both
Example 3 - agree
Hi matty,
The problem with giving the bird is that it's a highly visual display, and generally we're tougher on visual acts than auditory acts; that's why we're a lot quicker on the card for dissent if a player points at his eyes when telling us to 'have a look', etc.
I'm curious by your comment that if you gave a red for this you'll be giving them out all day long - how many times have you actually seen a player do this?

Personally I can accept a caution here, though my belief is red, but I think we need to consider this act would be considered by many to be more offensive and antagonistic than words normally would be.

As for your 3 scenarios, I'm with you on those ones.
how about this.....

If the word, phrase, or gesture would likely see you in hot water if you did it to a police officer......I would suggest it is likely to be OFFINABUS?
If the word, phrase, or gesture would likely see you in hot water if you did it to a police officer......I would suggest it is likely to be OFFINABUS?

Without meaning to go off topic, I would like to believe that is a good analogy to use, but sadly having seen numerous video clips on Facebook etc, the Police no longer seem to care about being sworn at etc.