Peeved off Captain


New Member
Level 7 Referee
so, had a post match incident at a game recently. The captain had been whinging all game but nothing OTT and shook my hand after the final whistle.
As the rest of the players were shaking hands I heard the captain say ‘you can take the (opposition teams) shirt off now ref’ in clear hearing range of almost every player.

As the game had passed by without major incident and they had been on the end of a bit of a tonking, I elected to reward this behaviour with a yellow but the more I think about it the more I’m thinking I should have acted differently, am I right, too lenient or too harsh in people’s opinions?
A&H International
I couldn't agree more with minty and SF, it might seem harsh but in reality it is not, never! He just questions your integrity! You are not to be blamed for the RC, he is. But as you said a lesson for the future, I can understand frustration and all that has an effect on players' actions but being called a cheat or being abused verbally not to be tolerated.
I have what I consider to be a very high tolerance level, but I think I would be pulling a red for that. If it was said quietly, perhaps with a grin on his face, he might get away with it, but not when it is shouted for all and sundry to hear.

That said, I wouldn't necessarily criticise anyone who doesn't send off for it. There isn't any bad language used, so in this case it does come down to whether the referee feels he has been insulted or abused. What I would say if I was observing, and that happened during the game, is not sending off risked the referee's control. If he kept control it would just be developmental advice, but if the game went downhill from there it would be development advise and a lowered grade.
I kind of agree with the others - the one thing that isn't supported in law here is a yellow. You either send him straight off, or warn him regarding the seriousness of his comment. It's an attempt at OFFINABUS and it's up to you on the day if you feel offended enough to punish as such, but it's certainly not "just" dissent.
If the captain was engaging in low level whinging all match, would it have been worth pulling him up on it sooner?

I kind of agree with the others - the one thing that isn't supported in law here is a yellow. You either send him straight off, or warn him regarding the seriousness of his comment. It's an attempt at OFFINABUS and it's up to you on the day if you feel offended enough to punish as such, but it's certainly not "just" dissent.
I don't agree with that. I would argue dissent and offinabus to be along the same scale. Disrespectful comments or those undermining your authority constitute dissent.
If the captain was engaging in low level whinging all match, would it have been worth pulling him up on it sooner?

I don't agree with that. I would argue dissent and offinabus to be along the same scale. Disrespectful comments or those undermining your authority constitute dissent.
In a lot of cases, yeah I'd agree. But I think when it comes to accusations of cheating (which this essentially is) you either take it seriously and assume he knows what he's suggesting or you don't.
That's got to be a yellow at least IMO, bordering on a red card.

To me, saying that isn't as bad as calling me an outright cheat, but it's the implication that warrants a sanction.
I binned somebody on Saturday for saying I had been bribed. The team said can't you just warn him ref we have only got 10 players. They were 4-0 down at this point. If it gets overturned not bothered he had his punishment at the time. His team mates were not impressed with him