Player enters field to stop ball


New Member
In my last game, one of the most intense and competitive I've ever handled, I experienced a situation that was a first for me.

With the game tied in the second half, a through ball is played towards the left winger right along the touchline. There are some players from the defending team warming up on that side, and when the ball gets close to one of them, he sticks his foot out onto the pitch and flicks it over the touchline. I immediately recognise the situation and the potential riot, so I sprint across, push the infuriated attacker away and I quickly pull out my red card while protecting the offender and I sternly tell the mob of players and substitutes that has gathered to "leave him alone or there will be cautions".

Once the commotion has settled I realise that I don't think I have grounds for a straight red, it's not SFP, not VC, not DOGSO, not spitting and not OFFINABUS. I call the player back, telling him I made a mistake, he's not entitled to a straight red, so I show him two yellows, one for entering without permission and the other for unsporting behaviour, before showing the red again. Everyone accepts my changed decision, though I had to explain quite thoroughly to some players and coaches.

My question is: What was correct? Was he entitled to a straight red, two cautions or just one caution?
A&H International
entitled to a red card for being a massive see you next Tuesday!

id have said the double yellow is fairly justified, but would say a caution and a severe dressing down would have sufficed
Well handled @Lefelee ... reminds me of the Kaiser Chiefs song - I Predict A Riot ...

I like your comms to the assembled mob

I think "You Are The Ref" had a similar situation earlier in the year and the 'answer' was 2 yellows (... it may have been for a trip rather than playing the ball ...)

Maybe have a think about any preventive steps you could take to stop a repeat of it happening again ... if pitches are roped off then it's hard to manage the crowd / subs / encroaching too near the pitch to be tempted to do something silly ... subs were probably warming up where they should be (albeit depends if it's the type of game that needs you to tell them where to warm up)
For a substituted player or substitute just playing the ball with his/her foot? Caution for USB (for entering the FOP, since you can't caution a substitute for "entering the FOP without permission", see pg 40 of the 15/16 LotG).

That same substitute or substituted player comes out and handles that ball or commits an offence that would be a foul if it were committed by a player (ie, the 7+3)? Easy caution for that (or dismissal if sufficient cause).
Do the laws not state that you can caution a player/substitute for anything that is not in the LOTG that you deem to be unsporting behavior? This would be one of those situations. Double caution, gone.
For me once, his foot enters the field of play.. its a yellow for entering the FOP without permission. Did he DOGSO don't think so.... you punish the more serious offence(DOGSO) so unsporting behaviour is no issue here.But remember to give the most politically correct public bollicking.
Player who was off the pitch injured has just been substituted yet is still behind the goal making his way toward the bench. Striker gets past the keeper and passes the ball toward the goal, substituted player steps onto the FOP and clears the ball off the line. Are you still only giving a single yellow card?
To the OP - did you really push the player away? I was told off for even touching a player yesterday during my assessed game...

Well, I got in between him and the offender and gave him a light one-handed push. Did something in an assessed game earlier this season and the assessor praised the way I handled the situation...
Is it okay for players to touch you? ;)

Don't do it, asking for trouble.
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No way I'm getting between two players squaring up personally. I was always told not to, simply because if you do so and player A decides to whack player B but accidentally hits you instead it puts him in a whole heap of more trouble than if he'd just hit the other player.
If there is a fight, then there are 20 so other people to stop it. Your job as referee is to deal with after it has stopped.
Stand, watch and note - that what you do, then reds/yellows and think can I continue.