Player not giving name

Will Triffitt

Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
Sure somewhere there is a thread on this already but...
Last weekend, U15 game, Blue vs Orange. Orange running towards the goal on left side of FOP starts to cut inside on the edge of the area, Blue trips Orange I blow for Orange freekick and call blue player over. he said 'I tripped so I fell onto him and he went down', having been in a good position I knew that he had tripped the opponent, 100% sure. He argues with me for a minute but realises I'm not arguing back so stops. I ask for his name, he refuses. I ask again, refuses. I ask a third time and say that it is going to get worse for him if he doesn't tell me, refuses. I say 'last chance' and then he gives me his name. If he hadn't then second yellow and bye-bye. However, still not having his name, I'm in a problem when submitting a dismissal report. If I had sent him, what do I do about name? Coach?
A&H International
I'm assuming you don't have team lines? If not then hopefully you at least got a number. Just report it as it happened and the club should (hopefully) have some explaining to do.
i had that a couple of weeks ago, player didnt give his name, but as he was walking off the FOP i just looked at his manager who volunteered his name.
i filed it as per usual on wholegame and added a misconduct report .
i did tell the manager at the time as well that i would be filing it as misconduct.

had no one given me his name then i'd have been happy to continue and still follow the misconduct route
I think you were a touch more lenient that I was there! First refusal would have had me pointing out that not giving a name is verbal dissent, second would have meant double-yellow there and then.

Had you sent him off and he still refused to give his name, there are a couple of options, depending how well-disposed you are to the team in general. You can always ask the coach - who will realise that a £10-£30 fine going to the player is probably much better than his entire team being fined far more. And with that name, you can then choose to submit a further misconduct report as well.

Alternately, if the coach still refuses to give a name (or you're not feeling inclined to give the team that get-out), I think the process is to submit his name as First name "number" Second name "7" (for example) and that should make it clear that he refused to give his name.
Slightly different process should be followed than above.

Failing to give a name can be a cautionable offence, and if you need to send off a player whose name you do not have, you must include this on a misconduct report (or on the send-off misconduct report if it is a straight red). Along the lines of "the player refused to give me his name, and I obtained it from...". This will likely add to the fine and punishment meted out.

You must however get the players name from somewhere, even if you are not on speaking terms with the coach/manager, etc., the club are obliged to tell you the player's name and you need to obtain it before submitting the report. Worst case, you get it from the club secretary. If the team officials on the day refuse to give the name, this is potentially a separate club misconduct report.

A real can of worms...
Same goes if they give a false name, you ask them to confirm it, you parrot it back to them. You then caution and report the name given even if you know it's wrong. The club and player can amuse themselves with the resulting fine
Similar incident recently.

Player was being sent off for OFFINABUS towards me, asked him his name and the tiresome 'Mickey Mouse' reply came back.

Asked his manager in my changing room after the game what his name was, he gave it to me. I checked teamsheet and that was indeed his name.

So my RAO said put the sending off through as 'Mickey Mouse' and write a separate misconduct report stating his real name and how I obtained it.
So my RAO said put the sending off through as 'Mickey Mouse' and write a separate misconduct report stating his real name and how I obtained it.

You're saying on Wholegame you typed in Mickey Mouse? That doesn't sound right to me, or at least is the opposite of what I was told and how I have reported it in the past.
I give them 2 chances, first one if the name doesn't sound right I will ask "Are you sure?" and look suspiciously, if they repeat a second time I will show them the second caution and off they go. I will ask a team official, or captain etc. for the name, if refusal then that's another misconduct report filed! Surely the manager knows what would happen if they do refuse to give the name.
I give them 2 chances, first one if the name doesn't sound right I will ask "Are you sure?" and look suspiciously, if they repeat a second time I will show them the second caution and off they go. I will ask a team official, or captain etc. for the name, if refusal then that's another misconduct report filed! Surely the manager knows what would happen if they do refuse to give the name.
You cant give a player a second yellow because you don't think they are giving you the correct name.
You can't push too hard with some suspicious-sounding names though. Mickey Mouse is pretty obvious, but I've cautioned a Ricky Lambert and a Steve Gerrard before, both of which were actually their real names in the end.
I also know of a team who have a Robbie Fowler playing for them.
Sure somewhere there is a thread on this already but...
Last weekend, U15 game, Blue vs Orange. Orange running towards the goal on left side of FOP starts to cut inside on the edge of the area, Blue trips Orange I blow for Orange freekick and call blue player over. he said 'I tripped so I fell onto him and he went down', having been in a good position I knew that he had tripped the opponent, 100% sure. He argues with me for a minute but realises I'm not arguing back so stops. I ask for his name, he refuses. I ask again, refuses. I ask a third time and say that it is going to get worse for him if he doesn't tell me, refuses. I say 'last chance' and then he gives me his name. If he hadn't then second yellow and bye-bye. However, still not having his name, I'm in a problem when submitting a dismissal report. If I had sent him, what do I do about name? Coach?
Oh don't just stop at a second yellow for refusing to give his name - ask for it again once you've sent him off, and if he's still refusing put a misconduct report in about it!

As for actually getting the name, yes ask the manager/coach for it, hopefully they'll see sense and tell you. Of course, if they also refuse to tell you, you could put in a misconduct report against them too!
You're saying on Wholegame you typed in Mickey Mouse? That doesn't sound right to me, or at least is the opposite of what I was told and how I have reported it in the past.

Yep that's exactly how I was told to do it. I was originally going to put it through in his proper name but my RAO was adamant that I should do it the way I did. I think he said something about the County FA taking an even bigger dim view of him this way.
You cant give a player a second yellow because you don't think they are giving you the correct name.
Sorry, was rushing whilst typing, and hadn't phrased it properly and waffled on about something else. I meant if they refuse to give a name or give a name that is clearly like E.G. like micky mouse (although what if someones name was mickey mouse!!)
If they give me a name I'm happy. Ready to book Father Christmas if necessary, just write it down and submit it.........

I agree. I've been in this situation a few times.

I would ask for a name, if I didn't get it... That's a warning. Ask again. Still no name, Goodbye. I would note his number, note the time and his exact replies to my questioning.
I wouldn't even ask the management for his name. That is not my responsibility. I would issue the red card and submit a misconduct report later. I usually have the captains in when dismissing, if they have anything about them, they would often tell me the players name. Which I would note in the misconduct report. Even if I had the players name, I would still file the red card as whatever his response was. Otherwise, you are using a players name to dismiss a player that didn't give you his name! your local FA would understand. Mine certainly does.
I agree. I've been in this situation a few times.

I would ask for a name, if I didn't get it... That's a warning. Ask again. Still no name, Goodbye. I would note his number, note the time and his exact replies to my questioning.
I wouldn't even ask the management for his name. That is not my responsibility. I would issue the red card and submit a misconduct report later. I usually have the captains in when dismissing, if they have anything about them, they would often tell me the players name. Which I would note in the misconduct report. Even if I had the players name, I would still file the red card as whatever his response was. Otherwise, you are using a players name to dismiss a player that didn't give you his name! your local FA would understand. Mine certainly does.

So it appears my RAO was spot on telling me to put it in as Micky Mouse and file a separate misconduct report. I never doubted him because he comes across as somebody who knows his stuff.
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I would say so, yes. It is not our responsibility to play detective and ask for a players name. This issue is more prevalent in junior football; as you climb up the ranks, the teamsheets are often accurate and correct so you can get players names/numbers without too much issue. Regardless of that though, if a player gives you a dodgy name... File it with the FA. They will check the players details; should Mickey Mouse not be on their database, they would contact the specific league's Registration Secretary and request details of players registered. If Mickey Mouse isn't on the list, that's an extra few bucks for the FA!