The Ref Stop

Player scores but afterwards referee realises be has scored illegaly


Active Member
Scenario : A player scores a goal a yard away from the goal from an awkward bounce using his belly. Some opposition players shout hand ball (which they always do whether it is a hand ball or not). The referee does not see the hand ball and thinks its come off the abdomen/belly as the hands were down and tied across his own body, so the referee allows the goal. 30 seconds later the goalscorer then says to the referee that his "the ball touched his lower arm but his hands were down and tied so its not hand ball" Hence, referee now realises his mistake as the goalscorer bas admitted that it touched his hand. Hence, by law the goal should NOT stand. What should the referee do at this stage after he hears what the goalscorer has said to him? Is the statement from the goalscorer enough to overturn referees own decision or should he stick with his decision to avoid chaos?
The Ref Stop
Personally, I'd call the captain of the team who scored the goal, explain what was said and also explain that under the laws I have to give a free kick, admit to him that I've made a mistake and thank the captain/forward for being honest (may be the last time he will be honest as I bet he doesn't know the law enough that it would be ruled out).
By calling the captain over and explaining I think this would potentially avoid any backlash from the rest of the team.
Also, I'd take into consideration how heated the game is AND if anyone else heard it. If it was a heated game and no one heard it - would you risk smoking the fire more by disallowing it? It's right in law to disallow but technically you didn't see it.
Personally, I'd call the captain of the team who scored the goal, explain what was said and also explain that under the laws I have to give a free kick, admit to him that I've made a mistake and thank the captain/forward for being honest (may be the last time he will be honest as I bet he doesn't know the law enough that it would be ruled out).
By calling the captain over and explaining I think this would potentially avoid any backlash from the rest of the team.
Also, I'd take into consideration how heated the game is AND if anyone else heard it. If it was a heated game and no one heard it - would you risk smoking the fire more by disallowing it? It's right in law to disallow but technically you didn't see it.
I'd also do exactly as you explained. It won't matter how tense the game is. For me, for something as important as a goal, fairness trumps "making it easier for myself" every time.

I get paid to sometimes make hard decisions ;) but for trivial things like a throw in I may consider giving myself a break :)
The danger in that approach is if no one heard the scorer tell you it hit his hand, and then after realising the goal will be disallowed he denies he ever said it. I'd only be changing my mind if what he said was clearly heard by players of both teams, otherwise you risk an almighty mess that has to be cleaned up.