Promotion application


Active Member
Level 6 Referee
Had email today about applying for promotion. Decided to take the plunge and go for it.

Big 12 months (from March 1st) now!!!
A&H International
I might take the plunge too, the question is though, i move county and country in august so should I wait until next year or can i do my 20 across the 2 countries?
Had the email from County two weeks ago and been thinking about it, decided that may as well throw my hat into the ring and have a go....
I might take the plunge too, the question is though, i move county and country in august so should I wait until next year or can i do my 20 across the 2 countries?
It works differently in wales (if it works up North as it does down here in the south of the country). Very differently and promotion runs season to season, rather than the English way! There is no minimum games number that I am aware of either.
I would email or speak to someone in the Cfa where you are moving to double check how it works before committing yourself to any course of action. :)
Emailed them last night, the bloke said he'd assess me and decide what level he will transfer me to (could be an instant promotion but could not) and he also said hes going to try to get me into the North Wales Elite Development Group,, that should be good if it comes off :D
The Welsh system now means you get an automatic promotion after one year. You would likely become a 4a

Good stuff though if you get on the development group.
Hmm, biggest decision you al seem to have is to go for it or not.

down here it's can I afford it or not:

"There are two major changes in procedure for the Scheme for 2015/16.

Please think carefully about whether you will have the time and commitment needed to take part in the 2015/6 Scheme before completing the application form. The Scheme Rules for 2014/15 are in the Handbook & Directory 2014/15. Any amendments, apart from the changes in procedure will be notified to people affected in due course, but no alterations of major significance are anticipated. Further information can also be obtained from the Scheme Secretary, whose contact details are shown on the back cover of "Capital Referee".

First, applications to join must now be made online only at ...... where there is a link to the Application Form in which candidates must opt to select one of the options of:-
. promotion from Level 6 to Level 5;
. promotion from Level 7 to Level 6;
. accelerated promotion from Level 7 to Level 5; and
. promotion from Level 5 to Level 4 on the Women's Development Pathway.

Secondly, all Candidates will be required to pay £30 at the time of joining. This is a deposit which is collected when the online application is made as mentioned above and which will then be returned to the Candidate provided that s/he satisfactorily completes the Scheme, irrespective of whether or not s/he is promoted.
Applications from new candidates must be submitted by no later than 1st February 2015. Details will then be sent to them of an Induction Evening to be held on Friday 13th February 2015.

to apply for promotion from LEVEL 7 to LEVEL 6 ONLY please follow this link
to apply for promotion from LEVEL 7 - 6 - 5 ONLY please follow this link
It is understandable that some referees apply for promotion only to discover during the year that they cannot comply with all of the Scheme's requirements due to unexpected injury/illness, unanticipated changes to work/family arrangements, etc. Under these circumstances, the London FA Referees' Committee will consider applications for refunds of the £30 deposit."

So if you don't do things online, or have £30 to spare ....
Similar fee been in place in my County and other northern Counties for a few seasons. If promotion unsuccessful you don'r have to pay a registration fee for the next season I believe.
Does anyone know if counties allow for bad weather.

Need 20 games to apply for promotion from level 7 to 6 for next year but lost 7 games through the bad weather and really struggling.

Why do they also count 20 games from the start of the season and not from the beginning of the promotion period I.e 1st march?
Does anyone know if counties allow for bad weather.

Need 20 games to apply for promotion from level 7 to 6 for next year but lost 7 games through the bad weather and really struggling.

Why do they also count 20 games from the start of the season and not from the beginning of the promotion period I.e 1st march?
They don't generally allow for bad weather. Let's face it, there's probably opportunities for around 60 games in the marking season if you referee every Saturday and Sunday. Also they do count games from the start of the marking season. So when the midweek games are mounting up in April and May, don't put your feet up, get your games in!
I got 18 games in between March and end of August, took so much pressure off for my promotion season this year, and I'll be doing as much as I can for next seasons promotion as well.
I sent in my application on Monday, yesterday I received an email from County advising that my match tomorrow will be assessed 'in an effort to help me with the forthcoming promotion season'
Wasn't expecting this...........better polish up on a few bits
And fingers crossed it goes ok.....
I sent in my application on Monday, yesterday I received an email from County advising that my match tomorrow will be assessed 'in an effort to help me with the forthcoming promotion season'
Wasn't expecting this...........better polish up on a few bits
And fingers crossed it goes ok.....
Sounds like they have a free assessors and a budget left. This is good news for you, just use the assessors knowledge - in the de-brief you can ask questions & advice.
I sent in my application on Monday, yesterday I received an email from County advising that my match tomorrow will be assessed 'in an effort to help me with the forthcoming promotion season'
Wasn't expecting this...........better polish up on a few bits
And fingers crossed it goes ok.....
That's a great result for you. I had a similar situation where I got a 'freebie' assessment ahead of my promotion season. And it definitely pointed out half a dozen simple areas that I could immediately change and avoided me getting picked up on them in my 'formal' assessments this season :) . So. make the most of a great opportunity!
Use it as a free bee as you can - as it won't be used for or count towards your assessments for the promotion year.
Well..for the first 15 minutes it felt a bit strange, thinking I was under the spotlight a bit more, then relaxed and enjoyed it, match went well and the assessor wasn't an ogre :))
He's suggested going for the double jump.........need to think about that one