Referee Course

Sam Brooks

New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi all,
I have got my basic referee course this weekend and i am just wondering if anybody has any tips on anything i may need to know or need to take with me.
A&H International
Laws of the Game. Read it, learn it, remember it. It'll be fun after that. If you don't have a copy already, one should be provided for you as part of your course material. Take a look in the Resources forum (http://www.refchat.co.uk/forums/resources.44), @Ross has uploaded a version you can download.

Given your age and if you're considering refereeing in Youth football, you might want to take ID (passport, driving licence, etc.) with you for CRC checks and so on. You might need to consider the Child Welfare course and First Aid unless you've already got that sorted. If you have, take the certificates.
Also looking at the weather on Sunday, a coat... + your lunch.

Don't worry, if you have played or watched football regularly then you will be OK. Most of the stuff is straight forward