Refreshing piece!

A&H International
I mean...instantly, the first point has annoyed me! "If referees are too squeamish to stop an attack in full-flow..." No. That's not what's going on at all. Is the rest of the article going to be this badly mis-informed?
I mean...instantly, the first point has annoyed me! "If referees are too squeamish to stop an attack in full-flow..." No. That's not what's going on at all. Is the rest of the article going to be this badly mis-informed?

Yes. Actually pretty annoying article.
Stopped reading when they started using the word 'rule'. If a bunch of highly paid sports journos (integrity, research, training and all that) can't be bothered to use the correct terminology up front then I can only assume it will be the usual cr4p they spout about making the game fairer and more accessible, without actually coming up with anything meaningful or practical.
I'm not sure I would characterise this as refreshing. I would say that almost everything on that list is either a mis-statement or misinterpretation of the law, or is proposing as a change in the law, something that already is the law.

The main parts of it that I think have merit are the items that while presenting them as changes, are actually calling for the Laws to be applied correctly instead of ignored or fudged.

There's only one item there that is a genuine change and that I somewhat agree with - the one about the defender holding off the forward as ball trickles out, while making absolutely no attempt to play the ball
There's only one item there that is a genuine change and that I somewhat agree with - the one about the defender holding off the forward as ball trickles out, while making absolutely no attempt to play the ball
Yup. This. It would be an easy one to implement. Easy to clarify using existing rules and benefit attackers. No brainer for me. It would also cut down on the number of fouls by attackers as they try to play through defenders that are obstructing. It would also cut down on the dangerous fouls that happen when the attacker e.g. pushes the defender as they leave the pitch - this is a classic that is never whistled in the penalty area, too.
Would love to see a trial of this and see if the players' mechanics can cope i.e. forwards stay close enough, defenders forced to touch the ball... would be interesting...