Returning Referee


New Member
Hi Guys

Not a new referee as such…I qualified back in 2012 when I was 15. I referred in Somerset and Hampshire until I was 19 where I gave up due to an incident in a Sunday league match.

Now at the old age of 25 I am returning to the game. I’ve got a game on the line next Saturday an an u18 league and then a middle on Sunday in the women’s county league.

I just wanted to say hi and see if anyone else has come back after a period of time away and if so, how did you find getting back into it? I am slightly nervous about having to start again and whether I can still do it!
A&H International

I was very similar qualified in 2011 when I was 14 and then had a break when I went to university and settled into my career. I have then re-started this season. I have found because of my age as well as the career I have gone into I have found a lot more confidence and found it easier. It soon all comes back to you and you will be great!!
Just make sure up to speed with new laws etc. Been a few changes over the last few years.

Welcome Back.

I was very similar qualified in 2011 when I was 14 and then had a break when I went to university and settled into my career. I have then re-started this season. I have found because of my age as well as the career I have gone into I have found a lot more confidence and found it easier. It soon all comes back to you and you will be great!!
Thank you! Glad someone else is in a similar position. Hope you’re having a good season!