Scotland v Georgia


RefChat Addict
Only just out of work.
Have I seen right that before the suspension of the game, the goal that Scotland scored was a result of a throw from Georgia and a short pass was stopped because of water on the pitch allowing Scotland to break free? The ball held up two or three more times before eventually smacked home.
That is absolutely ridiculous.
A&H International
Extremely poor from the referee for not suspending or calling it off after a couple of minutes when it was clear that conditions were unsafe and both managers wanted it suspended.

Made a rod for his own back once Scotland went ahead to then wake up and take the players off - resulting in the Georgian refusal to play on later.

Descended into a farce due to his inaction
He was obviously under huge pressure to get the game on initially, because of the logistics of having to reschedule. No doubt if that was a Queen's Park league game there next season then it would've been off.
Within about a minute of kick off you could see how farcical the conditions were though and I personally didn't really celebrate the first goal as I was certain the game was going to be abandoned.
I've watched the Highlights back and I'd fully support the Referee's judgement with regards to the ground conditions and when and why he started and stopped play at the times that he did. I think he got it spot on. This is sport at the end of the day and an element of luck 'rub of the green' is a naturally healthy part of the game
As for Georgia players refusing to come out and so on.... well that's what happens in a sport in which the 'tail is allowed to wag the dog'
We've seen in the past that the UEFA match delegate has effectively taken it out of the referee's hands. Of course it shouldn't happen, but it clearly does and must be very difficult for the referees.