Junior/Youth Sending off a Manager

Josh the referee

Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
Always thought how this would work particularly at youth level with all the safeguarding, welfare and first aid issues in mind.

I saw a post the other day that made me think back to a time when I could have potentially Sent off a manger.

So, how would sending off a manager at youth level work? Let's say U12 for arguments sake.
Would they have to leave the vicinity of the field? Does this depend on whether the opposition have a qualified first-aider?
A&H International
In most youth setups there usually needs to be 2 designated coaches. Not sure it's mandated but it's definitely good practise.
2nd thing id be looking at is parents. Are there enough to retain good safeguarding practise.
3rd. If they are the physio/first aider/man with bucket he then obviously he can't be sent off bu can be reported. Only other option is abandonment if the game can't continue in their presence.
Thanks for that,

What if there was 1 coach? Yet the opposition has 2 coaches and both of them are first-aid trained? Could this mean that the 1 coach could be sent off?
Thanks for that,

What if there was 1 coach? Yet the opposition has 2 coaches and both of them are first-aid trained? Could this mean that the 1 coach could be sent off?
I don't think it's reasonable to put the welfare of the opposition on the opponents coaches so I would say that you'd be left with the only option of abandoning the game.
The teaching on this for referees going into youth football initially is to dismiss the coach/manager from the technical area (or from where he's been stationed if no technical area) and send him away but if he is the qualified first aider or the sole club official he is to be told that he has been sent off but because of safeguarding you will allow him to remain in situ if he behaves.
If he doesn't behave in those circumstances abandonment is the next consideration.
Some competitions require 2 coaches to be on duty, and I would suggest that the game could continue if one is removed, in the same way as if a coach has to take a child to hospital or the changing room during a game.
As parents are not usually DBS checked or trained in Safeguarding using them is discouraged.