The Ref Stop

Specialist level 4 assistants


RefChat Addict
I presume everyone at 4 has recieved a questionnaire asking, hypothetically, if they'd choose a specialist lining route if offered.

With this and the other changes planned for the semi pro pyramid next year it's an exciting time to be level 4/3.

I would say my decision would have to be based on what changes they're planning on making to the games I'll be officiating as a ref and what the promotion pathway for specialist assistants will look like.
The Ref Stop
Think it’s great to have a pathway to become an AR. Shame there isn’t the opportunity to progress option earlier in the levels as solely an AR - of course this is because there aren’t enough referees. I know of a lower level ref (7 or 6) who no longer enjoys his games in the middle so just lines. Wouldn’t surprise me if he packed it in as he can’t get any better games on the line than he already is on
Think it’s great to have a pathway to become an AR. Shame there isn’t the opportunity to progress option earlier in the levels as solely an AR - of course this is because there aren’t enough referees. I know of a lower level ref (7 or 6) who no longer enjoys his games in the middle so just lines. Wouldn’t surprise me if he packed it in as he can’t get any better games on the line than he already is on

I'm a level 7 and much much prefer lines, I'm going to do the middles to move up but would love a way to move up in lines early on, some people don't want to be the centre of attention in the match lol.
I'm a level 7 and much much prefer lines, I'm going to do the middles to move up but would love a way to move up in lines early on, some people don't want to be the centre of attention in the match lol.
I’m undecided tbh. Being AR is less stressful pre-game but I do love being in the middle. Not sure what I’d choose given the choice now
Yes I have had it. In principle it's a good idea.
I have always said if I get to 3 I will let the decision make itself when specialisation comes along.
Prefer being in the middle. But, if I wasn't going anywhere reffing and an opportunity came along to progress on the line then I would strongly consider it.
There are some great linos at level 4 held back from getting any higher because they can't get to level 3. This is great news for those guys.
Think it is a great idea and one that I have been advocating for years. Getting to L4 isn't that difficult, but L4 to L3 is one of the hardest promotions to get as you have to finish in the top 10% of referees in your supply league, sometimes much better than that, over just 5 or 6 observations and not a lot of games for club marks either. That realistically means that every observation has to be well above the average mark and you have very little room for poor club marks.

There are a lot of outstanding assistants at L4 who realistically will never make it any higher in the pyramid as they aren't a good enough referee to get beyond L4. This proposal would remove that blocker.
Wouldn’t surprise me if he packed it in as he can’t get any better games on the line than he already is on

Couldn't he ask to go on it anyway? They do a lining course at grassroots in Wales, not sure if it helps them get on the scheme given the level disparity, but it might be worth him asking? They might fasttrack him or something?
Couldn't he ask to go on it anyway? They do a lining course at grassroots in Wales, not sure if it helps them get on the scheme given the level disparity, but it might be worth him asking? They might fasttrack him or something?
I think he's mentioned it (I only spoke to him once) but we don't offer it down here unfortunately
I would have been keen on this. I feel I was a better assistant than referee (a couple on here might think that means I'm a terrible referee!!!) and would have liked to stay on contrib lines for longer than I did.
I've only been refereeing for 1 season, however I much prefer being linesman than main referee. Is there no way of only being assistant at lower levels?
I've only been refereeing for 1 season, however I much prefer being linesman than main referee. Is there no way of only being assistant at lower levels?

Not at the moment in England, that only comes in once you get to level 3.
I've only been refereeing for 1 season, however I much prefer being linesman than main referee. Is there no way of only being assistant at lower levels?
There's nothing stopping you from spending all your time assisting on your local Supply League rather than being than the main referee. Of course, this assumes that the quality of your lining justifies this.

As Rusty says though, currently no way to be involved above this level without progressing up the levels.
I hope it is something the FA consider in the future. I know some fantastic assistants at L4, and even L5, who will never ever get to L3 as a referee and as a result will never get above contrib assistant.