spurs v Brighton


Well-Known Member
Not entirely sure how Kane was 'fouled' for the penalty.

Lalana jumps (alone) to head the ball ... Kane runs towards him, eyes on Lalana no interest in playing the ball, Kane bends over, shoves his bum into Lalana legs (as he was jumping) and then dives.

How is that a penalty? It should be a free kick to Brighton. Its really dangerous too.

The VAR decision to award Brighton's goal was interesting as well. Initially I didn't think VAR would get involved because the goal was scored quite a while after the foul. But then once it did, strange it wasn't overturned?
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A&H International
Kane has done this move several times in the past, jumping into/under an already airborne player to mimic a foul.

I was amazed the Brighton goal stood too, clear foul, especially after Scott reviewed it himself.
I think you might have just explained why the ref was at pains to give Brighton's goal, knowing the snafu made for Tottenham's.
I've just seen the Brighton goal. Normally, when we're discussing VAR calls for goals theres been a good argument to award/disallow a goal/penalty either way.

However, the Maguire rugby tackle and the Brighton goal yesterday were just 100% obvious errors. If you showed those videos to a PL referee in a classroom im convinced that they'd award the pen (Maguire) and foul (Hojberg) with absolutely 0 doubt at all.
Very surprised by the Kane penalty - my immediate instinct was that that's a classic example of the "backing in" foul that you get all the time in the centre circle. One player jumping and going for the ball, the other crouching and trying to undercut the opponent's legs. As other have said on twitter, do that in a rugby match and the only question is what colour card you're being shown. Yet somehow Kane has won a penalty for it!

I do wonder if there's a little bit of the VAR getting fixated on one aspect (is it in the box) and not giving enough time to the question of if the foul call is actually correct. We saw it with the incident that led to Van Dijk's injury a few weeks ago - ages and ages focused on a difficult offside decision, somehow masking the fact the tackle should have been a red regardless. With the pressure to not take "too long" on a VAR decision, they sometimes seem to not take long enough to look at some parts of these incidents.
I'd just point out that VAR was not at fault for the Brighton goal - as we know, the VAR is like any other AR and only capable of recommending something. It was Scott who viewed the footage and allowed the goal - VAR did its job perfectly.